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  • Location
    : Citrus Heights, CA
  • Interests
    Ceramics, glazing techniques, farming, photography, drone piloting. reading all kinds of stuff but primarily thrillers

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  1. It's 7AM; 1080 deg F on my first kiln firing in more than 4 years and the first ever ^04 bisque/glaze firing with my new Orton digital controller...The first 2 hours were a real disappointment when i saw the TCL message on the controller. The kiln didn't fire. I had ultimately realized that I hadn't pushed the reset button on the kiln sitter. Pushed the button and the kiln came to life!The firing took 12Hrs 18 min, but only reached 1941 degrees which is about halfway between ^...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Celia UK

      Celia UK

      I remember that 'forgot to push the reset button' moment too. Such a relief when you realise it's nothing major. Hope all ends well.

    3. Celia UK

      Celia UK

      Worse than this, today I forgot to put the thermocouple in the peephole (a retrofitted one) & set the kiln for a bisque firing. 2 1/2 hrs later heard error message beeping! It had reached 500oC! Reset programmer thinking it would continue from 500oC without noticing the programmer said it was in the first segment, when actually near end of 2nd one! Spotted this 3 hrs later by which time temp was down to 220oC. Moved program on to 2nd segment and now keeping my fingers crossed...

    4. Marko
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