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Looking for emerald glaze recipe (cone 01)

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Hi, I'm a craftman from Vietnam and I'm truly struggle with finding a sucessful recipe of emerald glaze for my products. I'm using kaolin clay and gas kiln. My kiln can only fire at cone 01 (1140 celcius degree) and it is oxidation environment. 
So, I'm really appreciate if someone can help me to find a precise amount of copper (or iron, crom,...) for making the glaze or if you can share your recipes, experience, document,... would be a big help.

I also attach an image of the glaze so you guys can have a better look at what I'm talking about.CBE8B12D-C18C-40CD-9F1D-E80296E131BC.jpeg.4ad99524bc69042165e6d5a81ac64da7.jpeg

Thank you so much.

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Do you have access to western glaze materials, or the ability to convert a recipe to materials that you have available? I'd start with a good clear recipe and test stains. A simple cone 04 clear recipe is:

90%   Ferro Frit 3124 + 10% Kaolin

Firing it a little bit higher will increase the glossiness and flow. You can opacify it with zircopax.

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Thank you for your reply. I can convert a recipe to available materials in my studio or find substitute ones.

Not sure if I can find Ferro Frit 3124 cause I can only find Ferro Frit VTR-186T or Frit T825. However, if you're willing to share the recipe, I'll try to find suitable materials for it. 

Thanks again!

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If you are able post the chemical composition of the Frits available to you. Any recipe would need to be converted and of course tested. Since you are firing at maximum cone 01 you likely need the boron to get you there so cone 04 recipes are likely in order.

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21 hours ago, CraftmanVN99 said:

So, I'm really appreciate if someone can help me to find a precise amount of copper (or iron, crom,...) for making the glaze

Can you give us a recipe for a typical glaze you use? To give us an idea of the sort of materials you use, and because the colour generated by metal oxides can depend heavily on the base glaze used (especially copper).
From Copper in various cone 6 base glazes (Free Online Glaze Class Pt. 8) https://tinyurl.com/mrxx2ycu

PS Still remember the spectacular dark  green copper-in-lead-glaze tiles in public buildings in the '50s and '60s.

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do you have a photo of the clay you are using,  fired to the temp you can reach?  if it is darker than the test you try, the results will be darker.  try finding a recipe that shows an example of the glaze fired onto a color of clay that is similar to yours.   there are recipes online but i am not a computer whiz and do not know their names.  someone here will chime in.

whatever recipe you try, be sure to test the finished glaze in vinegar.   i have been using dark green for many years and finally tested one i had been given and is in several books.  it is called Oribe green.   when i put a disk covered in that recipe with 5% copper carbonate into a plastic sandwich bag half full of white vinegar and hung it in my kitchen window, the glaze failed the test.  after 3 days, a sediment that looked like sand was in the bottom of the bag and when i pulled the test out, the bottom half of the disk was much lighter than the top.  that line where the vinegar stopped was very visible.

recipes can have  other faults as well.     one was so beautiful but you could scratch the surface with another ceramic piece.   no good.  too soft.       lots or testing for what you want.

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Thank y'all for all the replies and suggestions. I didn't get or propably miss the notification so just now I'm able to read and have some comments.

So, I have read all the comments and try to find some alternative ways but somehow it didn't work. So, does anyone here have a full recipe of the glaze? (with exact amount of each chemicals). What kind of metal oxides should I use? Btw, I'm using kaolin clay.

I can try to modify the temperature myself but I seriously need help with required materials and ingredients.

Again, thank you for your help!

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