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Crest Kiln B-23-H Older model

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Hello I'm buying an older mode of the crest kiln B-23-H. The current owner says that this model doesn't have  kiln sitter but in the pictures there clearly is one.

It was her late mothers and she doesn't know much about the kiln, I'm guessing the kiln sitter is broken. Has anyone been able to fix a kiln sitter? How difficult is it? I'm new to owning a kiln. 

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Maybe the person was thinking you meant a digital controller. It has a Sitter, but the Sitter doesn't have a backup timer so it's not nearly as safe as it could be in terms of preventing over-firing. There's generally not a lot of repairing needed on them beyond replacing the tube and/or rod, both of which are fairly simple to do. If you want to make it safer, replace the Sitter with a new on that has the backup timer.

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Thank you Neil, I was looking for something low firing 5/6, but I get what you are saying- this would definitely  be a new hobby for me.  The inside looks new, no cracks, coil elements don't look brittle or crunched up. 

How would I replace the sitter with a new sitter/ back up timer? Thanks!

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get those shelves off the top as fast as you can.  if you have never been around a kiln you might think it is made of brick so it is strong.  that is SOFT brick and you can dent it with a fingernail.  the top rests on the outer walls so putting anything on the center of the lid is asking for trouble with it.  expensive trouble.

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7 hours ago, ACCiamarra said:

Thank you Neil, I was looking for something low firing 5/6, but I get what you are saying- this would definitely  be a new hobby for me.  The inside looks new, no cracks, coil elements don't look brittle or crunched up. 

How would I replace the sitter with a new sitter/ back up timer? Thanks!

Low fire would be cone 05/06, in which case this kiln will be fine. If you're going to do cone 5/6 then I wouldn't get it because the maintenance costs will be quite high with having to replace the elements so often. Plus replacing the elements is hard on the bricks so the kiln won't last as long with frequent element changes.

Replacing the sitter is somewhat simple, just screws that hold wires. You can re-use the existing tube, and there are probably videos on YouTube showing how to do it.

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Why do you think the sitter is broken?

If the seller said no sittef and it clearly has, the sitter could be right as rain.

You can insert a timer so electricity cuts off your kiln, may be cheaper tha  new sitter. 

Once you sort how long your firing takes, set your timer for about 30 mins longer than expected firing time.

Sitters should not be expected to work. i.e. don't leave to turn off as set. Be around for expected turn off.

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