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QotW: Have you ever been in touch with ceramics teachers in  your area, offering support, having a beer or a cup of coffee, to attend workshops, or just to show a feeling of comradery or support?

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Hi folks, little late, but I will ask a QotW, once again there is nothing new in the pool. 

I have been thinking a lot lately about my career. . . teaching HS Art. I particularly worry over what I would be feeling in this time of lockdowns, school closings, and social distancing. I always believed that in education, social interaction is important. I also believe that this fact is especially true in art. So many times in the classroom you will see students feeding off of each others ideas, growing in their understanding of technique, and at the same time advancing in their understanding of art and expression. It was always amazing. I know that most artists work individually often isolated. Thank goodness for things like the forum, as for many years I felt so alone in the classroom with little support or outside pier discussion of ceramics. However, when learning, a classroom is really helpful. So what is happening now in the arts, especially ceramics? I can see classroom assignments going home by email or other methods, and students still getting graded on the work, but ceramics. .  the materials are not readily attainable to work at home, unless of course you can ship out to the students some way. Transporting pieces. . . what a nightmare!

My thoughts go out to my former colleagues in the front lines working as teachers of ceramics. All of this made me think, about the teachers more, and I have reached out to my  replacement at the HS.  This has made me wonder about the ceramics professionals and educators out there. 

QotW: Have you ever been in touch with ceramics teachers in  your area, offering support, having a beer or a cup of coffee, to attend workshops, or just to show a feeling of comradery or support?




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I have reached out to a couple of local high schools to donate 48 Ceramic Monthly magazines .   Both pottery teachers indicated that they were to busy to drop by my studio and pick them up.   It is almost impossible to donate at the school,  they would probably call the bomb squad if  had boxes in the car.   I tried for six months and the quit trying when Covid blew up reality.  I use to donate magazines to high schools, unless you have a child or grandchild in the school donating is impossible.     Denice

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Never had an instructor: then again I never intended to go down the rabbit hole this far either. I noticed early on in another forum where I lurked mostly: there would be ten different answers to one question. I understood that application and style could vary from potter to potter: but never made sense on the chemistry end of the equation. So I made the decision early on to seek out information by those with PhD behind their names. Oddly enough, found variance there as well- who knew? If I had a mentor; that would be Ron Roy: who I had the pleasure to spend three days with at NCECA in KC (2016). We email back and forth to this day. I have been asked several times to do classes in St. Louis- to date I have always declined. My wife, siblings, and two friends even know that I am involved with clay. Has always been my private sanctuary: and never discuss it locally.


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Just last week I ran into my college ceramics professor at our local supplier's facility...almost didn't recognize her with the damn masks, but her fading fire engine red hair gave her away. Instead of teaching ceramics these days, she is teaching art classes online. She did tell me that she is deeply involved in bringing the NCECA to the Sacramento, CA area in 2022. I have kept her apprised of my progress since I took my last class (Raku) with her in '17. I find it somewhat amusing to think that, as a student in college, I was 20 years her senior...

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I have tried to get groups together in the past, but most people in this area are not interested.  However, I have sought out others in other places, some near, some far.  Just had a socially distant coffee in the park this morning with a friend in a neighboring town who is involved in setting up a ceramic studio in her burg.    It was great to talk about the planning.  That has been one of my goals since discovering clay for myself, to build community.  This Forum has been great for that, but yes, I do reach out to other people for just what you mentioned Pres, support, comradery, and problem solving.  

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Been part of a local ceramics guild long ago as it folded up after a 10 year run. I have stayed in touch with my collage clay  professors until they passed (one is still around locally)

I donated low fire glazes and a ton of magaizes to local schools and art center as well as materials over the dacades. Some of this was from my deceased  potter friend who's studio I cleaned out for his widow over the past years.

I fired some local elementary schools work for them years ago as well -I gave them the clay and glazed the work myself.



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