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Glazing the handle of a recently purchased mug

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Hello friends. My wife recently purchased this mug. She really likes it but has issues with the handle - it feels "chalky." She was hoping to cover the handle with a glaze of some sort to improve the situation. Can you tell me the best way to go about that? She has something called Mod Podge that she was thinking of using, if that sounds like an option...?







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Mod Podge is going to get sticky after a while, even the "dishwasher safe" stuff. It's pumped up white glue. 

My first inclination would be to contact the potter and see if they have recommendations.  Returns or exchanges involving online shopping and pottery are tricky, and I wouldn't go in expecting one, but letting them know about a potential defect is a good idea. If they don't know about a mistake, they might not know to correct it.  If they do already know about it, they might have a fix for you.

If the handle is otherwise sound and it's just a matter of the glaze has been applied too thinly, I would take some 220 grit sandpaper and smooth it off. If it's still a bit chalkboard-like after being sanded, I'd apply some mineral oil, like the kind you use on your butcher block or cutting board. It should soften the feel. You'll have to reapply periodically, but it won't go rancid or do anything gross.

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I will third the sandpaper idea but 600 grit will make it very smooth without noticeable scratches and 1000 grit will make it extremely smooth and polished feeling. Hopefully chalky means rough and not chalky residue on your hands. If  the latter, try and return the mug.

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3 hours ago, Hulk said:

We ran up to thousand grit on the porcelain tile edges of last counter project -

Have 1000 grit attached to a batt. Run the pots on it for 20 seconds, foot rings that are polished and slide smooth with never a worry of any scratches to furniture

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