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Moldy smell to glaze


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I know you can add bleach or vinegar to your slip and collection bucket but can you add it to a glaze without problems?

I have some G2916F, clear cone 6 glaze left that has a mouldy smell and now managed to get the last 27kg of this glaze. Should I add this 1/2 gallon  to the new batch or toss ?

Hate to toss it out as I can not get more of this glaze.


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Normally I'd say beware of adding vinegar, but I find this glaze needs flocculating anyways. I usually do epsom salt solution, but vinegar could maybe do double duty. But as Min says, keep it separate from the new batch just in case.

(Very jealous you got the last of it. I am testing to find a base that has the same colour response and COE.)

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Must try this. 

I've got some glaze, that started as commercial powder glaze.  Mixed it up, used some, left it for a while.  Next time I opened the bucket, phew, the smell was awful.  Anyway, decided after using a small amount, to let all the water evaporate (in the sun, in the greenhouse) until it was bone dry. 

Guess what, still stinks.  I really thought the smell would go after it was dried. 

Next problem, where (UK) do you buy hydrogen peroxide?    OK, Mr Google says buy it online.

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I will try some peroxide and them store it in some milk jugs. When my new Glaze gets very low then I think  I will add it to the new order.

Callie, it was a bit of work but Green barn in Langley managed to secure the last 27kg for me, they are the local shop that is part of Plainsman. Seems he new replacement glaze causes cracks on my sinks. Not sure what I will do when there is no more as some of the ingredients are hard to get. Plan to save this glaze for the sinks.


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If you need a fritted alternate version of this glaze I think the one above would do it. The Ferro 3292 supplies the strontium and the Ferro 3289 supplies the tiny bit of fritted barium. The only difference is my tinkered version has 0.01 lithium and titanium which I really don't think is hugely significant. In Canada Tuckers in Ontario sells the 3292 and Laguna sells the 3289 so your local place should be able to order it in for you. I subbed OM4 for the old hickory #5, very slightly more iron but again I think it would be insignificant. The 3289 might not make a difference at all and could possibly be left out.

edit: if you can get it I'ld use C&C ball instead of OM4, same amount.



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I have a recipe for a glaze I call 'Dog Breath Yellow', due to the smell of the glaze when I mixed the first batch. I'm not entirely sure why it smelled like dog breath, probably from the natural wood ash, but I had other ash glazes that did not have the same smell. The name stuck though.

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2 hours ago, neilestrick said:

I have a recipe for a glaze I call 'Dog Breath Yellow', due to the smell of the glaze when I mixed the first batch. I'm not entirely sure why it smelled like dog breath, probably from the natural wood ash, but I had other ash glazes that did not have the same smell. The name stuck though.

That would stop others asking for the recipe!!

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