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QotW: How are you going about the "re-opening of the economy"?

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Hi folks,

Once again, no new questions in the QotW pool, so I have been considering what may be of interest. Here in Pennsylvania, we are moving into what they call Green stage across the state with businesses opening up with fewer restrictions. My question for all of you, knowing the different regions are doing the same is: QotW: How are you going about the "re-opening of the economy"?

My wife and I are both in our early 70's, healthy, but not willing to expose ourselves too early.  When it comes to working in the shop, that is fine, but then I would not consider doing a street show or any other sort of event this Summer. I shudder to think of what the consequences will be considering the large gatherings of the last few weeks, only time will tell. I also believe there will be some pop up sort of street sales, as somebody decides to take advantage of the lack of organized arts or craft shows. I won't do them. We still wear masks everywhere we go, and limit ourselves to some of the things we used to do, like visiting my 93 year old father 140 miles away from us. Things will be slow for a while, and I feel we have to be patient, but then we are retired, and patience seems to be easier. 


Once again: QotW: How are you going about the "re-opening of the economy"?




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My county will still be in phase 1 of reopening for a few more weeks, even though the rest of my state (MD) is moving into phase 2. My county (plus one other) is where most of the cases in my state are. I am still staying home except for really important things. Businesses here have adapted and complied very well, so going out feels safe, but only because things are so restricted. For example, I needed some car maintenance last week, the shop was by appointment only and they were only taking one customer per hour. I was the only customer in the shop, and was still asked to stay six feet away from the employees. He disinfected a pen for me before I used it. 

I went for a long walk through my neighborhood including a popular park this weekend, and every single person was wearing a mask. We are not required to wear them for outdoor exercise, but most people do anyways. I’m grateful for that. 

I am troubled about all the huge protests that took place this week in DC. Not because of the meaning of the protests, the spirit of them is long overdue. But because we will either end up in lockdown for longer than we would have been, or we will discover that we didn’t need to cancel all the summer festivals. 

As for the pottery business, I am still making, and planning some more “free home delivery” events for the summer. And I am conceding that I need to (gasp) do some online selling too, which I am planning to do on a very limited basis. 

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My husband and I are still sheltering in,  we  are close to seventy and have health problems that put us at a higher risk.   We have gone out to a late breakfast several times because the restaurant didn't have any customers.   The last one we ate at was pretty bad so we have decided to keep eating at home or carry out.    Kansas had moved into stage 3 but several counties were recommended to stay in stage 2,  ours was one of them.   We wear masks when we are out and do all of the other safety practices.   All of the big festivals around this area have been canceled.  is is going to be pretty quiet around here  for awhile.     Denice

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We live in the 2nd largest county in Colorado, but low population.  We are still at 8 positive cases.  People here really feel that the virus won't come here or they have already had it.  But I am still in the group that goes for groceries early morning and wears a mask.   Most of the events have been canceled for the summer, not sure what the fall will bring.  This part of Colorado is popular with river folk, kayaks, campers, fishing, hiking, so I anticipate some urban flight this summer, just wanting to get outdoors.  That is another reason we will continue to exercise caution.  And like Pres, I have an 86 yr old mother that lives 140 miles away.  Another reason for caution.  

Our restaurants are opened at 50% capacity, store employees are wearing masks, beauty shops are restricting the number of clients, dr. offices are regulating how many patients at one time, I am impressed with the local businesses that are striving to meet this challenge.  I have an arrangement with a local store to leave purchases there for pick up.  Just trying to think outside the box! 


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Still pretty tight around here. Beauty shops that hare certified opened two days ago. Resuratants still closed -but soon will open at 50% and must certify.Only take out still.

Some galleries opened -my largest local one can have three patrons at a time -they flow in a clockwise manner in shop.99%  of all business have you must wear a mask to enter.

All employés must be masked.Far from normal here

Pottery sales are picking up and demand is solid. Tourist are not here much yet and we still have a shelter in place order. 108 cases with 92 recovered in the county.

No groups more than 10 yet-except to protest and the limit is whatever you want.lets hope the spike does not occur 


Edited by Mark C.
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Still no gatherings of 50 or more people here, kinda sounds like that's going to be the norm for a bit. We are phase 2 in most counties, but there's supposed to be a big spike soon because of all the big protests.  

Still have never met anyone who has had it, seems like it's still mostly taking hold in retirement/assisted care/nursing/hospice workers and residents.



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I have noticed a very high number of people in our local populations have stopped wearing masks. I also have heard from businesses that they are afraid to confront those do not wear masks even though their place of business says you must wear a mask outside the door. I wear a mask, and try to frequent businesses where people wear masks, we still have not gone to local restaurants other than take out. We have stopped going to businesses where they seem to have thrown up their hands about the mask rule. I notice that many states with relaxed rules are seeing a bigger uptick in infections, so I will do everything I can to stay safe.


All in my humble opinion,



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You're not required to wear masks here unless you're at work.  And almost no one in my town wears a mask anymore.  That's been the way for the last week or two.

We've been having massive protests and riots daily and there's been no steep rise in cases so I think everyone's just assuming it's not as bad as we were led to believe.

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We're in stage 2 relaunch here in Alberta after some pretty harsh nationwide shutdowns. We're down to 220 active cases in the Calgary area, and we were a hotspot for a while there.  Things like restaurants, retail, aesthetic services, libraries and some museums and other things are open, but with capacity restrictions and rules about mask wearing, distancing and cleaning. Kids aren't going back to school until the fall, and daycares are only for essential service workers right now. There are supposed to be some summer camps and childcare available, but they'll probably fill up very quickly. We're still not supposed to engage in non-essential interprovincial travel like holidays, although we can travel for things like funerals.  The maximum gathering size does vary by province, but here they're 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors. Mask wear indoors is strongly recommended, and the government has been handing out free ones (the disposable surgical kind) at Tim Horton's drive through's because we're predictable that way. Compliance on the mask wearing thing seems to be 50-60% at a rough eyeball at the grocery store. Phase 2 just started last week, and they're watching for any increases before deciding when they're going to go to phase 3, which is all systems go. School systems are still trying to form official plans for the fall, but they won't be able to declare anything concrete until late August. The kids usually go back the first week after Labour Day.

My weekly farmers market starts up this weekend, and my first round is the weekend after. Even though the whole thing is outdoors in a very large area, they're still doing headcounts, and only letting a certain number of shoppers through at a time. All foot traffic is one way, and we all have to provide hand sanitizer or hand wash stations, even if we're not food vendors. Food vendors need to prepare samples in a commercial kitchen in advance, and have them in sealed cups. We have to restrict the number of people allowed in a booth and set up 6' markers so people can maintain distances.  All tables need plastic coverings so that they can be sanitized regularly, as well as any payment keypads. I plan on having bleach solution on hand to clean each piece in between people touching them, in addition to having sanitizer available for people to use before and after picking things up if they wish to do so.  My display will just be across the front of the tent to discourage people from crowding. I'll be wearing a fabric mask, as per provincial recommendations. We have to go through a check in every week to declare we haven't traveled or been sick, and are currently not experiencing any symptoms before we're allowed to set up. There's other rules for people from different households working together, but I'm usually by myself so I haven't checked those.

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