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Everything posted by yappystudent

  1. Maiolica is friggin' hard. 

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    2. yappystudent


      Thanks for the advice and the link. Mainly I'm just grumbling but the advice is appreciated. I have watched that video and some others, but that's not exactly what I'm trying to do. Her work is more Majolica, I'm trying to adapt Maiolica and go for something like an 'ancient but refined' (?) look. I'm working on three different experiments that are Maiolica/Majolica-like. It's hard to describe even to myself but I'll know it when I see it. The oxide was an impulse because I figured it would give me nice clear black, stable lines to paint underglazes over at bisque stage. I also tried one with black underglaze outlining on sandy clay, and another with a smooth black clay body with lighter values of slip painting. All are still in the greenware stage but I'm enjoying the process, except for the oxide. I may have to take a trip to buy black mason stain and ask the pottery store folks about the other materials you mentioned for outlining. Here's an image of the oxide (right) and underglaze (left) pieces as-is: 1234015688_Majolicaexperimenttwovesselsgreenware.jpg.d13f465e8c445a4aea8727971bd91b34.jpg

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Have you thought about pseudo mishima where you wax over a glaze and scratch in the drawing and fill with underglaze? It looks like what you are doing may work with that technique.




    4. yappystudent


      Sounds like a good suggestion. I'd certainly have more control over my outlines that way. 

  2. Bing cherries $1.99 for 3lbs, yay summer! Sketching some 'maiolica-like' drawings to trace on my pots. 

    1. Denice


      Wow what a bargain,  I thought we had a pretty good price at $1.99 a pound,  they have to be shipped a long way so I think that is the best they can do.    Bing cherries are suppose to build up your immune system so eat as many as you can.      Denice

  3. Sweet Gabby. I formed this with coils inside a plastic basin, after some debate I decided to leave the top widely asymmetrical for no particular reason.
  4. Large-ish asymmetrical slab bowl in progress. Speckled buff clay body, lightly pressed pattern on outside, carved vine maple leaves and seeds on inside.
  5. Having to approach the question from a different angle as a relative (a little over 3 yrs now as a home potter, not counting the odd college clay class or two in the past) -newbie. My problem is I'm sick of trying this, that, and the other. I think I'm done testing and meditating on what I want to do most, and the most practical from a monetary standpoint. I've tried several things, and I've no shortage of ideas, some probably original, and many many variations of derivative that all sound great when they first occur to me. I seem pretty good at making stuff out of clay, but I can't say I've enjoyed the process of making certain types of work. For example, my main focus was on ceramic jewelry focals and beads for almost half of the time I've been into clay. Why? because I've had an ebay business in the past and shipping is a pain. Also for the money VS the tiny amount of materials spent, it's pretty cost effective. Not to mention kiln space and other things related to diminutiveness. Unfortunately, this seemed such a great idea that I think I was in denial about the fact it gave me very little satisfaction. What I wanted to do was still hazy. At some point recently I started losing interest in clay and realized, at last, that the jewelry wasn't working for me. I had to bite the bullet, load it all into plastic shoeboxes and stick it out of sight. Overnight I went from forcing myself to spend about 6 hrs a week fiddling with bead making, to a few hours most days making slab vessels. In the same amount of time and effort to form a half dozen artsy beads -probably less- I can form a single big *** bowl with attractive decoration. They are more satisfying both to make, look at, and hopefully sell. Instead of worrying about shipping costs I intend to take the opposite approach, make a fairly low number of big and bigger things and drive them around myself. This coincides with my move last year to the Oregon coast and the fact there are venues for this up and down the coastal highways. I'm no longer trapped in a small conservative city with only a couple galleries, 600 m away from everything artistic. I don't intend to do shows or fairs, just approach store owners like I used to do with my oil paintings and see if they're interested. As far as sculpture goes, I'm still meditating on it. Even if I was working on any at this time I'm not ready to re-enter the fine art market. I get my fine art needs met through drawing and painting at the moment, it's a nice break whenever I'm feeling burnt out on clay, which has only been once in the past 3 years.
  6. @ Callie Beller Diesel: Camera with a timer on it, balanced on the back of my work table.
  7. Maiolica month. Largest vessels I can slab, coil, etc. Sold a cracked birdbath I painted for larks and it got me thinking. 

  8. Good peasant stock hands of a middling age and size. Actually a dishwashing job years ago ruined my hands but at least it got them ready for clay.
  9. Great hands there Pres. I have to trim my nails shorter than that or they mark up the clay.
  10. Some were press-molded from bisque molds I made myself. Others are prototypes for testing.
  11. Bought a used shop sink complete with stand and hardware for $20. Is everyone on vacation??

    1. Gabby


      Congrats on the shop sink. I don't know what I would do without mine. (I think lots of people may be preparing for summer craft shows. I teach a Summer intensive starting tomorrow and going for five hectic weeks, so I will be less present until end of July).

    2. yappystudent


      Good luck with the teaching position. 

    3. glazenerd


      Actually I am running out of things to say, and most of my posts strike me as being redundant. 

  12. Trouble is, all the ceramics I do are toys: for me, as is my kiln, supplies, etc. I guess my smoking wares skirt the border of toys for adults.
  13. Kiln opening #6 tonight. Finally gave my neighbor his mug. 

    1. Gabby


      Looking forward to seeing a photo!

    2. yappystudent


      It was mainly bisque and tests, but one was my first attempt at majolica -birdbath that's going into a yard sale tomorrow. Has a crack through the center, which I 'fixed' with aquarium sealant. I'll post a pic of it ASAP. ty for the encouragement:)

    3. yappystudent


      Still looking for the images of the bird bath. It did sell at the yard sale despite a crack going right through the bottom (sealed with aquarium silicone). 

  14. Forming mosaic tiles in low-fire clay today. Did a sketch for a gourd vase. 

    1. Denice


      I made a small mosaic  small mural  18"x24" several years ago, it was for a arched inset in a wall.  I made a pattern of the arch and cut the tiles with in the arch.  It was a one time firing so I went ahead and glazed it at the leather hard stage.  The pattern I painted was a big help in putting it back together,  just like a jig saw puzzle.  with the shrinkage of the tiles I got the grout space I needed.     Denice

    2. yappystudent


      The pattern sounds like a great idea. 

  15. Working on a vase today as a break from working on a drawing and vice versa. 

  16. I'd really like to see more images in this thread...don't get lazy on me.
  17. Raining. Good day for research on Youtube. 

  18. At this point the few handles I've made have been back-filled because I don't know how not to. I'm afraid they'll break off otherwise and feel it necessary to reinforce where attached.
  19. Those are press molds made from B-mix type clay. I'm not sure of their best use yet, maybe ornamentation for further vessels?
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