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Callie Beller Diesel

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Posts posted by Callie Beller Diesel

  1. My workbench is full of ugly bisque again. I really is my least favourite stage. But a week and a half ago, I decided it would be a good idea to document some new compost buckets before I was packing them up to go to a sale. These are much nicer pictures!

    Before you make fun of me for my product staging, I was legit making soup stock with the Easter turkey.




  2. I seem to have a 20 year fixation with small lidded jars.  It started about my third year in college, and has been a form I've worked with off and on ever since. That, and mugs. So.  Many. Variations. For both of those forms. 

    I went through a depression several years ago now, and I wasn't able to make a whole heck of lot, but I knew it was important to me to keep making.  I thought, well, the simplest thing to make is a cylinder. I didn't really just want to throw plain cylinders and scrap them, so I decided just to add a handle so I could feel like I was doing something productive.  So consequently, I can make mugs no matter how much I may not feel like doing anything. I'll usually start a work cycle with them, because it gets me into a rythm of moving, which allows me to make the next thing, and the next thing...etc,

  3. NPR has an Internet feed, if your cable internet has better mojo than the radio waves. 

    Alberta also has a public station that has an Internet feed, and it's pretty interesting. Even if you don't like what's on, it'll be something you might not have heard before. It's usually pretty good studio listening.


  4. Hour long playlists on my Bluetooth headphones remind me to get up and take a break once they finish. Gin Wigmore is a current favourite, as is Larkin Poe. Mostly mixes, though. 

    I do a lot of audio books lately through my library app. Those are used during times when I'm doing more mindless tasks, like wedging, reclaim, throwing and cleaning. Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels series is a fun mix of fantasy and technology, and the characters are hilarious! Karen Marie Moning's Fever series are set in Dublin, and are reminiscent of the old Faerie tales that were bloody and frightening, and never meant for children. 

    Many ADHD brains need background/white noise in order to concentrate.

  5. Good question for a Monday morning!

    I have a kiln load of bisque that needs washing and waxing. I’ve got samples for a mug re-design for an existing client and a big pile of test tiles in the bin to go along with that, I have 18 mugs for a new client, and serving bowls, sugar jars and more mugs for upcoming spring shows. And I have weekly scheduling, and homework for an online business course on the go. 


    Yes, this is my kitchen. Washing and waxing bisque is the only job I really do outside of my studio this time of year. It’s still too cold to take it outside yet. 



  6. Lots of us are probably ramping up the work load in the studio, what with Christmas show season being upon us.  I know variations of this have been asked before, but what is your current playlist/ favourite audio book/Netflix binge? What is keeping you company this week?

    Recommendation,s and/or links to Spotify or iTunes playlists would be encouraged. 


    Also, I wonder what kind of craft show survival tips everyone has, and which bits of craft show advice sounded good, but really didn't work for you.  I'd love to see this be less of a beginner's guide (I think we all know to put out an email signup sheet and lay out your booth before the event), and more of an intermediate class. 

    Bonus points if you have a photo of your booth setup to share.  Or maybe that could be a third question. What is your booth setup, what are the things you love about it?

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