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Everything posted by Babs

  1. Have used syringes but still have to make the holes afterwards
  2. Choices everywhere. Slave labour everywhere Where are our clothes made? Street cleaners on different salary to everyone else? Ethics and Morality. People in glass houses.... I have got to a point. Don't be wasteful. Don't be needy of what is left. New isn't necessarily better.
  3. Have you a saucer to place infuser on after removed from mug? Love tea but not the drips etc which results unless used at sink...
  4. Toggles guiding hobby? Light cord pulls? DIY renovator Incense stick holder meditaton teacher?:-))
  5. Remember the days of receptacles? That gives them a broader range:-)
  6. Yes I used to give them a design brief. Three sketches and selection of one on brief criteria and practicality of making before hitting the wheelhead. Gets the brain thinking. I make notes night or morning before on what's needed in various retail shops then all sorted there I will develop new or refinements but these usually have been mulling in my head as I go about all my other stuff in life. Doodles everywhere.....
  7. Good luck Liam! Do the have to contain an exact amount of fluid? Friend was making 1litre port bottles with elaborate label...clay sprigged on. She nailed it for years. Hot summer temps sent her crszy though
  8. Its feel in my hand . Its "balance" when in use. How it looks to my eye. How it fits in my cupboard. And Its functionality Not taking time to prioritize but bottom one is esssential but then....
  9. Lors of the above. One I love at present..cd discs ribs to shape inside of bowls. Start at top and work down to floor of pot.
  10. You don't need that Britt book:-)) Love them but books pretty attractive too!
  11. Got to use a glaze which moves. Guess you could use a flux in the underglaze..but note that or you'll use it sometime when you want it not to move.
  12. So nice to see your work and see you again! Lovely pot.
  13. I would like to have glaze chemistry sorted. A time to just indulge in the study of this. Did quite a lot of chemistry but life gets in the way of canning it in glazes at the mo. If you ever read of a 100 plus yr old attaining a phd in this field it may be me:-)))) I guess a strength would be never getting'floored' by results and a brain which is a bit like a dog with a bone when it comes to problems... and. knowing something might just work but may not and doing it anyway....
  14. suely not Min! You hide that well:-))) And others appreciate and benefit from you attributes!
  15. Ok must be a different process. My daughter in law makes fermented vegies , sauerkraut amd a femented drink and needs/uses jars with airlocks to keep out unwanted gremlins but a positive. Pressure may do same. I guess the water airlock ones burb on their own...
  16. Hey liam how are you making them airtight. One I am toying with making has a split lip leaving room to place lid and still fill with water for an air seal
  17. Well that would look grand even on a mile long stone kitchen bench:-)))) I bet you smile when looking at that!
  18. Liam the strawberry pots here are same profile but the "sidebowls are made by slitting the big pot and working the clay below the slit into a bowlish shape. Saves a lot of joining. Gave my last one away or I'd post. Found them better for succulents in this hot dry area as Strawbs like moisture. Great looking wheel. Now...the height of that seat..though your height'll keep the body flexible!
  19. Often if you hold the lid and give pot body a sharp rap with wooden dowel the pot will drop open. Just dont do this over a cement floor..... Lids thought to be stuck often part from pot and a little sand/grind will smooth any rough spots , just saying
  20. Yip 18 untippable mugs i.e.stuck fast to shelves. Yeh newest shelves a few weeks ago. No protection against fools or the foolhardy in my shed.
  21. Great find LeeU. Old phone books ..endless uses. LeeU make a nother clay impression wait till leatherhard or more. Vaseline or soap it up , board it up, seal corners and bottom of board/ table meeting lines, and pour plaster into the box thus formed . Hey presto a plaster mold...no nead to bisque the clay impression the clay just peels away from the plaster. Though I am sure you know this.
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