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Status Replies posted by vinks

  1. Looking at nature is so beautiful and inspiring. Definitely using it for my glaze surfaces in the future.

  2. I'm taking a day off. For excitement, I may sit at a window and just watch the rain...(do I know how to have a good time, or what?!)

  3. Shop floor mopped, clay trim reclaimed, wheel head refinished. Clay order on the way. No better way to get re-energized than to re-tool the shop.

  4. Semester classes begin tomorrow...I'm calling myself a student rather than instructor...let's see how that works out :)

  5. Firing over 200 test tiles in the next few days over 4 glaze firings. Normal Slow Glaze ^6, Slow Glaze ^5+1Hour Hold, Slow Glaze ^6 + slow cool, Slow Glaze ^6 super slow cool. Want to see all the variants of the same glazes and how they behave differently. Should be interesting.

  6. Moving studios at the moment. Let's hope the new one isn't as noisy as the last.

  7. What is the difference between arrogance and confidence? Arrogance requires a voice, confidence is assured even when silent.

  8. I am gearing for 2016. excited about new ideas and direction.

  9. enjoying home life and family over the holidays. Need to get some work shipped out by next week.

  10. Be kind,work hard,stay humble,=smile often,travel when possible...never stop learning= Be thankful ..New resolution for new Year

  11. Peace to all and planet Earth.

  12. Yay! Duck and owl posted in the gallery! Had to edit the pics a bit, heehee. :)

    1. vinks


      Lovely work...,,found the bright colours,awesome!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. I, too, have just had the best show of my career. What a year for potters everywhere!

  14. May I have your prayers and good vibes one more time, my friends? Tomorrow Friday, very early in the morning, I'll have my second hand surgery (left hand). I hope everything goes as well as the right hand did. Thank you all!

    1. vinks


      All our best wishes and blessings for you..keep happy thoughts .

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. Festive in the air - "Diwali" celebrations....May the divine light of Diwali spread into your life peace,prosperity and good health.

  16. I just got back from 3 days/2 nights of free studio time from the Mendocino Art Center (CA). I've sold in their gallery and taken many workshops there and they heard about the loss of my house/studio, so they offered me this wonderful gift. It was the first time since the fire that I've worked with clay and it felt fabulous!! Someone was firing a ^6 kiln and was able to fit a few of my shards in, and they refired beautifully, so I'll refire a lot of my other shards so I...

    1. vinks


      Time is a great healer...all blessings!!


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Back on track, hand in a cast, arm in a sling, stomach upset from narcosis and painkillers but... still alive. Thank you all so much for your healing thoughts. in my recent status update of sept 24th it says I got 13 comments but can read only 3. admin could you please let me read all 13? thank you

    1. vinks


      Great to see you hale and hearty,Evelyne!!Blessings!!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  18. My house/studio was burned to the ground in the Valley Fire that started very close to my home. Our street was the first to go and my area is totally destroyed. 75% of the homes in my little town are gone. I had over 300 pots ready for fairs and of course, all the pottery we use daily. I’m devastated. I’m hoping I’ll be able to recover some pots that didn’t break/melt, and maybe my kilns? Wheel? The evacuation order hasn’t been lifted yet. With the shards I’ll make a big mosaic wall when we...

    1. vinks


      Sorry to hear that....blessings sent your way!!

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  19. Success! My first glaze firing in my own kiln came out perfect. Yay!

  20. Been sick with some kind of flu bug since Thursday. Had to miss a market show. Hopefully I can get back in the shop on Tuesday. That's my Dr Wife's orders.

  21. I am now an official member of Potters' Council and I put up my artist portfolio. Next Saturday is the opening of a show I'm in (with 7 other potter/sculptors) at a gallery on the Mendocino Coast. And I just added listings to my etsy page. I'm finally feeling like an integrated part of the greater pottery world instead of going it by my lonesome.

  22. Yay, I went to my first craft market today. My wife and I had a great time. There was only about 15 vendors, but I was the only potter. I sold almost everything and even got some commissions. I want to thank you all, for your kindness, acceptance and support. Along with all your great advice I was able to feel confident that I could do this. It wasn't about the money, but it was ok, but just knowing that I have friendships that care about me, makes me a millionair. I couldn't have don...

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