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Chris Campbell

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Status Replies posted by Chris Campbell

  1. still unable to change Avatar. The folks going to Ireland can't post them either. This needs to get fixed.

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      May 21 we were told they were working on it ... Like I said ... Yes, it is mildly annoying but does the tech staff need to work the Holiday weekend to fix the avatars?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. still unable to change Avatar. The folks going to Ireland can't post them either. This needs to get fixed.

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      C'mon ... It's the first long weekend of summer ... Even the IT group have families ... I think we can all survive til Tuesday! : - )

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. Am I the only one to receive offers to give a one to one free workshops to total strangers?

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      That is hilarious Alabama!! I often look up to find people in my studio that I never noticed were there ... And really, how could you pass up the opportunity to have someone camping in your backyard. Did they offer to pay for a port o pottie?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. Am I the only one to receive offers to give a one to one free workshops to total strangers?

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Ha! Not only that but they want my work for free to put in their 'charity' auctions ... NO.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. My non-art brain is being pushed to the hilt. I have to design a 60+ tile mural for Scouts and Explorer Scouts to carve at an event in July. I wish my mouth would learn to stay shut.

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Do the technical stuff, pick an overall theme and let them design their own tile??

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. This morning I worked 3 hours cleaning my studio from A-Z. Everything spick and span now. I just wonder how long this will last though.....

  7. Took the hammer to a bunch of runny glazed mugs. Felt great!

  8. Why do pets have to take such a huge piece of our hearts when they go? :'(

  9. Phew! First car load of studio 'stuff' gone to the re-cycling/land fill. Now, what to do with stuff another potter might want?

  10. Back in Switzerland with a rucksack full of great experiences.

  11. I mixed in a ton of sketching over the weekend to avoid a complete overdose of NCAA Basketball...time to re-focus on getting things to jump off the paper and into the mud!

  12. The return of cool(er) temperatures has me dreaming of a Carribean Cruise that has a clay workshop...a 'busman's holiday' of sorts, just warmer with better libations :)

  13. The return of cool(er) temperatures has me dreaming of a Carribean Cruise that has a clay workshop...a 'busman's holiday' of sorts, just warmer with better libations :)

  14. Heading to NCECA on Friday. Looking forward to being immersed in clay thought.

  15. On my way to NCECA,baby.Look for a guy with a big smile on his face!

  16. I'm tired of stepping on and over bags of clay, so I'm putting it all in 5 gal. buckets adding water and mixing it up by hand. This includes bags of river clay, stoneware, red earthenware, and anything from the yard or garage. So far its one big tacky mess, but should be ok once I add the sand and gravel and fire this weekend. I have at least two more buckets to collect!!!

  17. In Providence, RI. Saw some great pots today at Friends of Fire Show at Chris Gustin's studio plus the unloading of pots at his Anagama kiln. NCECA begins!,,

  18. I landed yesterday evening in Boston, tomorrow I'am driving to Providence for the NCECA conference. Yepeeeee!

  19. i am proud to be an oldlady. though not very ladylike, i like the fact that i am old. since i died on an operating table at the age of 33 i have made a lot of pots, some good, some OK. i hope i have hammered the rest. still a beginner, will always be a beginner, every blob of clay can become anything and so is a beginning.

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Now I'm thinking of you as "got old lady" ...goldlady!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. Holy Mother of Pearl! Now I know why kiln shops charge so freaking much to install new elements!!! That's quite a job!

  21. I am back from my January trip ... if you would like to see images of my trip, follow this link ... http://www.ccpottery.com/tanzania-serengeti-safari--.html

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Chilly at dawn, hot mid day and chilly again at night.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. Hmmmm... Just realized I haven't updated this in a while. Not much really to update. It's unnecessarily cold and snowy here.

  23. I am back from my January trip ... if you would like to see images of my trip, follow this link ... http://www.ccpottery.com/tanzania-serengeti-safari--.html

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      That was a morning shot ... For some reason my camera turned it gold ... Wish I could claim credit!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  24. I am back from my January trip ... if you would like to see images of my trip, follow this link ... http://www.ccpottery.com/tanzania-serengeti-safari--.html

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Yes, I do love the Serengeti ... a place like no other.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  25. Anyone have a suggestion for storing/displaying glaze sample tiles?

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