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Chris Campbell

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Status Replies posted by Chris Campbell

  1. another 39deg C still outta there!

  2. Just so you know... a sharpened needle tool, when knocked off a countertop, can put a hole in one's foot. No need to try this for yourself, trust me :)

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Ouch! They also like to hide then jump up to stab you in the finger.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  3. Now i feel like I should be cleaning the studio -.-

  4. Just loaded, unloaded, re-loaded my little test kiln three times! Can you tell I am trying to jam in a last firing?

  5. three spams today. It is easy enough to report to the moderators. just hit the report button in lower right hand corner of the post.

  6. three spams today. It is easy enough to report to the moderators. just hit the report button in lower right hand corner of the post.

  7. Trying some new things.

  8. I seem to be stuck in my work. Nothing feels like it is working, nothing feels good. I need a plan.

  9. Still working, but now the garage is COLD! I am trimming the colored clay pots and trying to find a way to trim the insides to see the color results. The trimmings are gorgeous!

  10. Still working, but now the garage is COLD! I am trimming the colored clay pots and trying to find a way to trim the insides to see the color results. The trimmings are gorgeous!

  11. In the 70s today so I am dropping all my computer jobs to head to the garage to throw some colored clay

  12. Going outside to throw in the chilly garage ... Why didn't I do this while it was warm outside??

  13. show opens tonight. Old body feeling the strain of the past couple of weeks.

  14. Going outside to throw in the chilly garage ... Why didn't I do this while it was warm outside??

  15. Trying to decide if I should go through the submission process for another event (ArtFairSC)...struggling/questioning my objective.

  16. one more day of raku firing, then exhibition preparations. I can squeeze in one more obvert firing too. Building frame for tile display, some risers for pieces. This gallery is usually showing paintings. Brick walls with hanger. Two good size room. The art museum is loaning me pedestals.

  17. Just spent the day spiffing up the website. I'd appreciate any pm's with suggestions or comments. (I know the Facebook link is funky, but it's bedtime)

  18. I'm thrilled to have recently become a statewide juried member of The League of NH Craftsmen.

  19. posted some of the recent saggar firing results in my gallery.

  20. posted some of the recent saggar firing results in my gallery.

  21. posted some of the recent saggar firing results in my gallery.

  22. Currently in Seville, Spain seeing fabulous tiles on every wall and around every corner! If you want your artwork to last forever, fire it on a tile!

  23. loaded kiln late last night, a dozen teacups were part of the load. Went into shed this am on way to work. ONE teacup stll on the outside!! How did this happen?

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