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Status Replies posted by Benzine

  1. great day in the studio with experiments in textured throwing.

  2. So I got busy and made three sinks for a house I am renovating. This past week I loaded them up and bisque fired them. One of the three survived the bisque firing. The good thing is I know how to efficiently make two more. Must allow more drying time for 1/2 inch thick ware this time..

  3. Just so you know... a sharpened needle tool, when knocked off a countertop, can put a hole in one's foot. No need to try this for yourself, trust me :)

  4. Back from Cuba! Brrrr. I'm cold!

  5. three spams today. It is easy enough to report to the moderators. just hit the report button in lower right hand corner of the post.

  6. Carving words on pots. That's new for me. Can't use white out on my mistakes though!

  7. I was showing a lady my son's soda fired work at the pop-up market yesterday. She seemed truly interested. Then she asked, "Coke, or Pepsi?" It took me a second before I cracked up :)

  8. Bittersweet. One of the last glaze loads for the semester is around 2200°, patiently waiting, reflecting. Hope some students keep exploring.

  9. Making some jars as gifts, but couldn't work on them the last couple nights, and I have Parent/ Teacher Conferences tomorrow. So it's like caring for plants. I water them, so they don't dry out, otherwise, they just sit there...

  10. Loading up the top loader. Just finished and then I knocked a test tile right down to the bottom... Recovered said tile after a careful balancing act removing shelves full of pots.

  11. Belts on my wheel broke while throwing. Ordered replacements. Second repair job on my 16 years old wheel. Then my clay supplier has had the phones disconnected. Next closest place is Austin 340 miles away.

  12. Did a Raku Firing with my Art Club students yesterday. A good time was had, great results, despite it being the coldest temperature we had fired in.

  13. Raku firing on a crisp Fall evening. A student project, one of my own, and some test tiles.

  14. Raku firing on a crisp Fall evening. A student project, one of my own, and some test tiles.

  15. Raku firing on a crisp Fall evening. A student project, one of my own, and some test tiles.

  16. The moment, when you just realized, that you forgot to ask a student, if they poked a vent hole in their intricate sculpture, that you are now firing...

  17. The moment, when you just realized, that you forgot to ask a student, if they poked a vent hole in their intricate sculpture, that you are now firing...

  18. Wheel came rite before last night, figures ... time to get with it...

  19. Moving back towards the dark, after the start of fall..

  20. Wedding jars out of glaze load, posted on blog. Never satisfied, but they did turn out , , , well.

  21. Wedding jars out of glaze load, posted on blog. Never satisfied, but they did turn out , , , well.

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