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Everything posted by Benzine

  1. I made some suggestions in the original thread. Some type of theme, like "Nature" or "Technology". Or since it's the first contest, we could do a "My Style" or "Self-Portrait". It would just be making something that describes you, not an actual depiction of yourself... unless of course that is your style.
  2. Gotta love this time of year. Help students finish building their projects, go home to work on Christmas gifts, go back to school to fire the kiln, go home to work on gifts...

    1. Babs


      the daily grind of the potter, art teacher, parent partner, you love it!

  3. Making some jars as gifts, but couldn't work on them the last couple nights, and I have Parent/ Teacher Conferences tomorrow. So it's like caring for plants. I water them, so they don't dry out, otherwise, they just sit there...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crusty


      use some miracle grow and they will get taller

    3. Benzine


      Oh no Crusty, I'm not falling for that again. Last time I did that, not only did they not get any bigger, but the fumes they gave off, when fired, were nasty!... But on the plus side, the fumes gave me the ability to taste colors.....

    4. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      Colors must taste like bat poop.

  4. Did a Raku Firing with my Art Club students yesterday. A good time was had, great results, despite it being the coldest temperature we had fired in.

    1. Babs


      What's the coldest you've had success at?

    2. Benzine


      Well, this one was 20 F, when we started. It was in the teens, by the time we got through all three loads.

      That is probably the coolest, that I've fired in. The only difference, that I've found that it makes, is how comfortable I am, while firing. It was a little chilly the other night. The students went inside, from time to time, but I was minding the kiln, so I was outside nearly the entire time.

  5. Raku firing on a crisp Fall evening. A student project, one of my own, and some test tiles.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Benzine


      Luckily, yes I do.

    3. Crusty


      did you like the results ?

    4. Benzine


      Yes, fairly happy with the results. A vase, was supposed to have a blue lower portion, but turned out more copper-ish because of the reduction. I've accepted this part of Raku firing. The student project turned out great, but had some dunting, probably because of interior glaze thickness.

  6. The moment, when you just realized, that you forgot to ask a student, if they poked a vent hole in their intricate sculpture, that you are now firing...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Benzine


      No worries. The student came in, and they vented it, through the mouth that was part of the sculpture.

    3. Babs


      Yo've taught them well!!

    4. Benzine


      I try. This student though, extremely talented, and will spend hours on these incredible, subtle details. But sometimes, will ignore things that are the most obvious.

  7. From the album: Raku Sculpture

    The sculpture turned out well overall. A couple pf the glazes didn't reduce as much as I would have like, so the color is a bit off in spots. However, nothing broke, or even cracked during either firing....Must have been the expertise of the artist...
  8. Just got done reclaiming the heaping clay bin from my classroom, by hand. What, you think my arms got this toned by sitting around all day?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bciskepottery


      Typical teacher . . . getting the big bucks for playing around in clay all day.

    3. Pres


      Yeah,my Dad at loss how to explain my teaching job said I played with clay until my arms got tired and then played some more on the computer I didn't teach, had two playrooms. Ben your arms will recover, just as the clay recycled has.

    4. Benzine


      Honestly, wedging never really tires me out that much. Give me a few minutes, a quick drink and a snack, and I'm ready to go.

  9. Raining outside, throwing mugs for graduation gifts inside.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Min


      Is it common practice for art teachers to make grad mugs in the US?

    3. Pres


      no, but often a courtesy and sign of respect.

    4. Benzine


      I usually end up with 15-20 a year, but always have. a few extra. I'm trying to include a letter tile opposite the handle, for the student's first initial.

      Min, I've almost always done mugs, because I want to give the student, something they will be able to use, and have for many years. Especially being as young adults seem to survive on cereal, coffee, Easy Mac and Ramen. So the mugs i make work well for all of those.

  10. Bob, the whole spear is indeed clay. It is removable, I had it in place for the sake of the photo. Currently, it is laying next to the sculpture, and will be fired separate, at least for the bisque. Initially I was going to slip it in place, or glaze it in place later, but being as it is easily breakable, I figure, by not attaching them, I can always make another later, if the first is broken.
  11. It will be Raku fired. What happens as a result...... Sometimes I come up with ideas, and create them, before I fully figure out if they are practical or possible...
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