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Gleco Traps


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I had one installed in the HS studio where I taught. For the 4 yrs I used it it worked great. The Custodial staff liked it also, as they would keep a spare jar, take one off, put a new one on and take their time cleaning out the old. Good system.

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I have the smallest gleco in my home studio. I like it it's easy to clean and is hopefully doing the job it's supposed to. It does seem to trap stuff since when I clean it out its full of really gross nasty stuff. At least the gross nasty stuff isn't going into my drains!



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I started with the smallest container that Gleco makes but discovered that I had room for a larger trap and bought one  I love the quick change from a full trap to an empty one.  No leaks, Easy to clean.  I would recommend it.

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The consisteny would be best described as gelatinous. When I empty it I dump it in the garbage give it a couple bangs on the side of the can then take it outside and rinse the container out with a hose. Yes it does smell imagine a really old wet slip container that you just opened. I too dump most of my really bad clay water outside or into my reclaim clay to soften it up but the gleco is nice for general stuff. If you are having any issues with leaking, I have not by the way, try some Vaseline around the rubber gasket the next time you clean it out. You could also try a tube of that stuff you use on your pool filter but Vaseline is cheap. I wish I had room for a bigger one but my sink is super small and the cabinet even smaller so I have to empty mine more frequently.

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The sludge that comes out of my classroom traps, smells like a combination of manure and vomit, neither of which, went done the drain.....At least I do not believe so.... Then again, those traps have clay, glaze/ underglaze, acrylic paint, tempera paint, etc.

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A two inch pipe fitted to the drain so that you will have setting water in the sink unless the pipe is taken out is helpful also. Heck to clean out, but keeps the bigger stuff from going down the drain, then take the pipe out and rinse the rest into the trap.

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I have been told that the smell comes from skin cells we have left in the slop. A little Clorox down the drain would probably take care of it. I put Vaseline on with the last jar change, and that seems to have done the trick, but I will keep the saucer under there just in case.

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Gleco traps are awesome. I've had them installed in my studio for ten years without a problem. I have the largest size bottle and we fill it every week. I did have a new one once that leaked, but the problem was the bottle, not the trap itself. Clean off the rim of the bottle when you empty it out and you shouldn't have any problems. Get the largest bottle size you can fit under your sink, so you don't have to clean it very often.

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