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So I am participating in several shows all having different criteria for what I need to pay out to participate. There is one show with high volume but a big 35% cut. In order to make a fair profit I don't know how to calculate price. In one place the ticket price could be less for the buyer and in another location not so far from the first one is the high volume with more expense. And there is the possibility that buyers might visit both places. How does one figure this? Any ideas would be helpful. I would like to know how others deal with this.

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I keep my prices the same for all the shows I do. At the end of the show season/year, I will make adjustments, if needed. Your pricing approach should reflect your full schedule of shows, not just individual ones. I've paid high fees for a show and had okay to barely cover fees sales; I've paid low fees and sold, sold, sold. And, vice versa. The most I've paid as % of sales has been 25% and they cap their share at $250.


You'll lose repeat customers if your prices vary from show to show.

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I too would try and keep pricing the same or very close. If the shows are 500 miles apart it will not matter-

same area it will.

If I drive 1,500 miles or more to a high end show then price raising may make sense-for me thats a Park City show in Utah or a show in Denver,Co but all local shows the prices stay the same.

If your work is high end one of a kind and you only have a few pieces this also may change that standard.


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Keep your prices the same in all your outlets for the SAME products/range and have a different 'up market' range of products for markets that can handle higher prices.


You're right, your customers would be confused and disappointed to see the same things at different prices at each outlet but they do accept different prices ranges for different product ranges. Take more of the 'cheaper' things to some markets and more of the 'expensive' things to other markets but don't change your prices.



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