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Temporary/removable bond for glazed ceramic cookie jar turned urn?

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I purchased a glazed ceramic cookie jar to use as an urn.  How can we temporarily bond the lid to the base? We plan to scatter my dad's ashes at some point but wanted to secure the lid for now. It doesn't need to be a super strong bond in the meantime,  just enough to keep it in place while being moved.  

I tried to insert a link to online pictures but not sure if worked so I'll just paste it here,  too.


Edited by helzb3th
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  • helzb3th changed the title to Temporary/removable bond for glazed ceramic cookie jar turned urn?

Hi Helzb3th,

Welcome to the Forum.
Condolences on your loss.

Looks like that large lid could be held in place with a rubber band (or three)?

We've used Museum Putty (and Museum Wax, a similar product) to hold narrow and tall works securely - it really sticks, but also peels away easily, even after considerable time.
HD is carrying a product now called "Quake Hold" - perhaps roll a thin cylinder to form into a fillet, holding the lid in place all along the joint, all around. And the rubber bands too.

That said, we shipped Mom in the urn (across the US, to join Dad), but for the trip, in a plastic bag, secured with a tie wrap, within the urn.
Good thing, for the recommended shipper lost the parcel, and also dropped/crushed the parcel, which compromised the urn. The bag held o.k.

Edited by Hulk
what Min said!
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Wow guys! I didn't expect such a swift reply. It sounds like QuakeHold is a good option to try.  I think temporarily sealing the jar will mostly serve to soothe my mom's mind, but that effect is worth a lot. 

Thank you for the condolences.

@Hulk Oh man, I'm so glad you were able to preserve her ashes through all of that.  This is so new.. who'd have guessed they'd be asking such weird questions like sealing a cookie jar/urn. Lol.. I call it an ascended cookie jar.  

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