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Need help with a Shimpo RK2

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Hey everybody,

I’m having trouble with my Shimpo. It was given to me by my college because it was sitting in a corner collecting dust.  
it runs, but it definitely needs new motor mounts and some work underneath.

my main concern is that it isn’t running in the forward mode or counterclockwise, instead it’s running clockwise in reverse and forward.

the parts number for the is tanac006232-rk2, but the part has been discontinued seeing as though the wheel was manfactured some time between the late 60s and mid 70s. 
 Is there any way to resolve this issue through soldering, as a student in undergrad I don’t have the money for a new wheel,  but I have two hands ready to get dirty. 

thank you for your time,


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Yeah, I’ve found the replacement mounts online.

I plan on gutting it, doing a rust treatment, repainting it, changing all of the old rusted out bolts and putting it all back together. 

I’m the student lab technician on campus and have done quite a lot of work on Brent Model Bs, but this old Shimpo is much different.   I really like this old rk2, it has definitely seen a lot, but they don’t make em like they used to. 

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  • 2 months later...

Hey RK2 owners!

Came across this thread and thought you guys might be able to help me in my RK2 restoration project. I have a RK2C made in 1983. 


Currently, I am having a hard time finding the right location for these two pieces shown below during the rebuild process.

These two pieces above seems to be an important piece because right now my wheel cone motor is unable to fully contact the drive ring when fully engaged for maximum speed. There seems to be a gap between the drive ring and the cone when the cone is fully forward. 


Hope someone here can help advise where these pieces might fit. Thanks in advance!!! 

P.S If anyone is looking to replace their motor for their RK2 here ya go SP-KR-200W-4P-100V
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This area needs to come forward slightly but if this bar is too far forward it will slip off the cone at full speed.  This is a very minute adjustment that will take a while to dial in.

I'm assuming those washers also fit there, though mine is older and doesn't have them.  The washers might have originally kept the cone from touching the ring in transit.


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  • 9 months later...

Oh my goodness! Thank you for posting the motor replacement link!!!! I have had a wheel I began to redo and it has been sitting for 2 year because I could not find a motor replacement and I just can't bring myself to letting all of the money invested in it go to waste. Do you think this would work for the RK2 West model? 

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