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Best cone 6 glaze recommenation


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Hi Everyone, 

Anyone have a good pre-made high fire (cone 6) store bought glaze line that they like a lot? My students made a high fire wheel pieces on a field trip and I need to purchase a few glazes for them to finish them. The school currently only stocks low fire clay and low fire glazes.  In the past I've used the AMACO Potters choice glazes and haven't loved them. 


Thank you for your help!


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Hi Dianna!

Cone 6 typically is "mid fire" - might be important, depending on the clay your students where throwing? From there, how will the glaze be applied, brush, dip, spray?

That said, I bought some premade powder from Aardvark, I like the blue gloss in their Artisan (cheap) series; the white matt is ok as well. The clear I'm having some problems with - all three do great on their red clay... Any road, I'll eventually use'm all up, but I'm well down the mix my own road and plan to keep on as well.

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Hi, thanks for the recommenations. The studio told me the pieces had to be fired to cone 6, but you're right that's mid-fire not high fire. I'll have to contact them and double check the exact type of clay we were given. Maybe I need to give the Amaco Potters Choice glazes another try? I used them about five years ago but maybe they've improved.  I appreciate the advice :)



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