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Clayart Yahoo group vs Clayart listserv

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I joined a Yahoo group called "Clayart" which can be found here:




I was also aware that there was a listserv of the same name, whose archive can be found here:




When I tried to post to the Clayart YAHOO group all my messages were bounced as undeliverable. I tried to contact a couple of members from the Yahoo group site (they had messages posted on the site so I assumed they were group members) but only one responded, and he stated that he was NOT a member of any Yahoo groups, only of the Clayart Listserv. Yet he has a ton of messages posted there.


Does anyone know what's going on with this? I had thought these were separate groups entirely but apparently the Yahoo Group has co-opted the listserv membership without their knowledge (at least the one person who contacted me back was unaware that his messages were being posted to a Yahoo group).


I can't find an actual person to contact. I'm hoping someone on this forum is a member of either the Yahoo group or the listserv (or both) and can help me out or at least point me at a person who can.


VERY confused here!



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Clayart was started almost 20 years ago with Richard Burkett and Joe Molinaro.

Mel Jacobsen is the current moderator and it is hosted by Acers...the same people who sponsor this forum.

I find this forum to be very user friendly and like the defined topics as a format. Clayart has a very fine archive but not the easiest to access. Not sure about the Yahoo group, but I think someone from Clayart tried posting the clayart activities on Yahoo.



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The Yahoo group is a mirror of the Clayart listserve. I think the Yahoo group was started by a Clayart listserve member in order to have a place where the Clayart discussions were archived, but also so photos and files could be posted ansd shared. If a message is on the Yahoo Clayart group, as you discovered, it does not mean the person posting the message is aware of the mirrored posting. Also as you discovered, the Yahoo messages do not get to the Clayart listserve. .


The Clayart listserve, as Marcia Selsor pointed out, was started many years ago when listserve was the method of communication in academia. It has 4,800 members in 90 countries and is widely read. Quite an accomplishment for an outdated technology.


I get email from both the listserve individual emails) and the Yahoo group (digest, several times per day). Kind of belt and suspenders...


And the moderator of the Clayart listserve is quite aware of the existence of the Yahoo group.



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I guess that's sort of cleared up. Posting to the listserv is an exercise in frustration - when I go to read on the Yahoo groups I find my messages are not posted in anything like the correct thread. I'm not sure what's up with that either! I guess I don't understand why the dual format - you can get digests or individual messages from the Yahoo group just like a listserv if that's what you want, and yet still have the full functionality of a normal forum.


I love the information and interaction on the list, but the format is probably going to be beyond my ability to deal with. Forums I can deal with - if I don't get around to the forum for weeks on end it's still all there. Forums make skipping topics simplicity itself. Threads are clearly delineated and easy to follow. You can participate in an ongoing conversation even if the first few messages were posted prior to joining up, or if its been going on during your absence.


But with the listserv, if I put it in digest format, you can't easily follow the flow of conversation because they're just stuck in there in sequential order. People forgetting to snip messages means there are frequently looooooong repetitions of other peoples postings that are repeated multiple times, making it even harder to sift through the messages. If I leave it in individual message format, if I'm down for the count for a few weeks - as is frequently the case - I come back to a clogged mailbox that I end up just having to delete wholesale.


I hate listservs! It's been years since I was forced to use one. Makes me sad that I am probably not going to be able to participate in this one. I guess I should count myself lucky that I can at least read it on the Yahoo group, even if I can't participate.


Thanks for the info. At least I have SOME idea of what's going on with it, LOL!

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As you pointed out, there is another mirror at www.potters.org, although this recently went down due to someone not having renewed the domain. I think this site is sort of a hobby for a Clayart member, so may not be available at some future date.


The potters.org site has a "current discussion" tab and a "search" tab at the top of the entry page. The entry page has a list of topics that contains categories and topics covering discussions. The "current discussions" tab usually lags behind a little. I use the "search" tab quite a bit for quick research.





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