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Brent Problems Anyone?

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We have a Brent that seems a little funny to me. The pedal-to-wheel speed seems a bit sluggish. When I floor it from a dead stop it seems to build speed rather than jump to wide open like all the other wheels we have. It's almost like it has a rubber band b/w the pedal and the pot (electrical pot, not on the wheel head). It had turbo lag for lack of a better term. It also doesn't seem to turn off and on all the time like it should (3/4 hp, fwd and rev). The controls just seem weird. As much as I hate to say this, I have a clay boss here that looks like it spent a decade at the bottom of a lake that is more responsive than this thing. Is this normal? I've heard Brents are good wheel but, "people have problems with them"? Is this one of the problems? Thanks.

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I would say a better way to put it is people do not know what to do when a Brent or any other wheel acts up.

Usually its one of two things

1st is the foot pedal control in foot pedal

take the plate off the bottom and you will see two plastic knobs with a slot for a  straight blade screwdriver

These two set the start speed and the rpm high end speed-they have a relationship between them that is one can affect the other. Play with these two items 1st.

If thats not helping it now down to a new potentiometer (which is that whole assembly you just worked with)

or a new circuit board in controller (where the on off switch is)

I would call (telephone) Brent (now Amaco) and get a tec in service to advise which one it may be.

Neither of these are hard to replace if you are Handy


since you have a delay my guess its the foot pedal adjustment-thats 90% or more of most issues.

Sounds like a little adjustment and you be be fine-what year and model is this Brent?

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C, Wheel was ungraded to 3/4 w/ forward and reverse some years back. Label says copywright 2001. No idea of actual manufacture date. I can see a pot adjustment for the creep till it moves but not the delay when you floor it. I saw the adjustments earlier but it's too cold to play with it now. When I first plug it in, it won't come on. The light works, but it won't turn off or on and directions don't work. If I unplug it and plug it right back in then it will run. I can hear  the relays fire when I do that. I'll probably pull it down and clean the relay contacts to see what happens. I have the original motor and one-direction controller that work...but I throw left-handed. That pot is sticky but I think I can fix it. They sure are proud of those pots...


If I change controller I'm not going back with Brent. I don't like those micro switches.

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I'm a bit confused this is not a Brent controller or is a later model controller added some years back? to a Model C it sounds

I have 5 Brent wheels none are new enough to have a reversing switch so I do not know that circuit board but if its the board its and easy fix with a new board. 

Its starting to completely sound like your controller. Especially the delay.

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It's a Brent controller and motor. The wheel was upgraded with a new controller and motor from Brent (not done by Brent but from Brent). I did some digging and it seems this might be the "flat face" controller they had trouble with. It has  "bubble buttons" on the front of the controller, not toggle switches. I likes me a real switch and would much rather those than what I have. I took it off, played with the connections and it's acting better. It's still off the wheel but now the light will go off and on when you press the button and you hear the relay fire. Before the light by the power switch was always on but it would still turn the wheel off and on (you could hear the relay and the wheel would work or not depending). This would only happen after it was plugged in and then unplugged and back in again. You also could hear the relays for direction fire when you pushed the button. Now the light for the power button turns off and on when it should and direction relays fire now only after the pedal is pressed down half way. (this is the same spot where the wheel would start to spin before. I'm testing just the controller without it hooked to the wheel as it is too cold out there right now. I have the controller inside.

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It most likely is the problem controller. I found a bunch of the PCBs for this controller cheap. The folks that have them mentioned it's no longer made and I'm sure it's because they are problematic. That's also most likely how those folks got them and why they are cheap. I'm not going to put any money into it. If push comes to shove, the motor and wheel head will go on a steel framed clay boss I have. (Yeah, the one that looks like it spent a decade at the bottom of a lake.)



Second Row, far left: https://www.continentalclay.com/images/large/image_1612.jpg

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The black flat face controller with bubble buttons are total junk, and Brent has admitted it. They won't repair those controllers because they're so bad. They may replace it for free, though. They did that for me a couple years ago. Call them.


Brent says:


" But since this is was  an  aftermarket modification there is nothing we can really do, but we can sell you a new control box."



....on a controller that has known to be defective from the time it was designed....


So then; sell me another box they won't stand behind either because I put it on?!


....I don't think so....


That's what I find the most annoying; like that matters. Junk is junk no matter who puts it on....not to mention everything that went on it was all brand new factory Brent stuff. There's nothing "aftermarket" or "modified" about it. I knew there was gonna be trouble as soon as they started with, "When was it bought, where was it bought and who put it on?..."  ..like that matters for a KNOWN defective controller...


I'm done with Brent. I'm gonna scrap this thing and buy another Axner.


Be warned folks: buy anything from them and install it yourself and you're on your own....


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Please do. I'm not worried about the box; I can fab something up. As a professional artist I can make just about anything but money. :lol:


I can't believe they would use "non certified" installation to excuse poor engineering. As someone who formerly worked in the engineering field I find that appalling. This thing will most likely be used for parts for "the perfect wheel" build I've been threatening to do for a while. I'm just mad enough to actually do it now.



"Aftermarket Modification"....really?!?!?

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