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High Bridge Pottery

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Status Replies posted by High Bridge Pottery

  1. First time to run a FaceBook Ad to promote a pop-up gift market...pretty pleased so far. I'll post full report later.

  2. I seem to be stuck in my work. Nothing feels like it is working, nothing feels good. I need a plan.

  3. Crossing my fingers for a good glaze tile somewhere in the kiln. Been trying out some new ideas. 100 degrees and the lid is open :D Time for a snack while they cool down.

  4. Cold and damp. Glaze taking ages to dry. Bye bye summer :-(

  5. Made my first sale on Etsy :D feels good.

  6. Tidying up the studio, making room for the plants that need to come back into "their" greenhouse for the winter. Must find more space in the other greenhouse.

  7. Sitting patiently waiting for my kiln to be delivered. And by that I mean 3 cups of coffee and me running round the studio not wanting to make any work till it gets here xD

  8. I can't stop looking on ebay for cheap kilns. I think I have a problem... maybe. I just found a 75 litre kiln for £100! Do I travel the 200 miles to go and buy it :g

  9. I can't stop looking on ebay for cheap kilns. I think I have a problem... maybe. I just found a 75 litre kiln for £100! Do I travel the 200 miles to go and buy it :g

  10. For small quantities of glazes, what ratio of water to dry glaze do I use?

  11. Sneezing inside a dust mask is not funny......

  12. Feel like doing some zen practice after this night shift is over. Might have to put some clay on to recycle then go for a nap first!

  13. Feel like doing some zen practice after this night shift is over. Might have to put some clay on to recycle then go for a nap first!

  14. Waiting round for my new wheel to be delivered. What better than to order The Kiln Book while I wait :D Note to self, remember to cancel amazon prime before I have to pay.

  15. where can i get a full list of ceramic raw materials from

  16. Anybody with a Skutt wheel used the cuphead plaster batt system and is it any good?

  17. Can you use rolled clay and press intno molds instead of slip? My molds are very heavy. Need help PLEASE!!!

  18. A few people expressed an interest in my experiments with LaserJet decals. I just posted a before and after images in a gallery titled "LaserJet Decals"...including information on where to get the decal paper.

  19. Woo, woo. I now own, flint, whiting, sodium dispex in addition to the other stuff I inherited. Gonna be a fun few days, Yes, I do also have a mask!

  20. Late night purchase of Kanthal A1 wire. How hard can it be to make an element?

  21. First time I have done a proper cone test in my kiln. Turns out the bottom is hotter than the top. Weird. I guess that big gap between the lid and body needs to be filled!

  22. I love this forum! Everyone is so helpful and I haven't ran into a single judgmental person! Thank you so much everyone!

  23. The rain is back, no surprise there. Now "stuff" is not going to dry, it's going to have to come indoors. Going to get nagged. Again.

  24. After three successful glaze firings without any of the wires getting hot I finally trust that the kiln is fixed! Happy days. Time to start making money

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