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QotW: What adds monetary value to the price of a pot for those of us who sell our work? :

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@Min made a suggestion in the QotW pool that has not been asked before. . . . What adds monetary value to the price of a pot for those of us who sell our work?  I think this is a great question as it digs at one of the conundrums of sales!  People said it can't be based on time, or on size or even quality! Taking these things out of the equation makes it quite difficult for me to understand pricing.  I throw a variety of forms, some are successful, some are not. Back in the day when I was doing the Penn State thing I based my pricing on several things: Size, form, quality of glaze and decoration. Large vases and jars  were priced higher, and if one came out more interesting aesthetically that others it was priced higher. Everything I made was one off, still are.  I know that most out there make oodles of the same form repeatedly, I have done that for special jobs, but it just isn't me, as each piece is different requiring a different handle or lid of decoration.

QotW: What adds monetary value to the price of a pot for those of us who sell our work? 



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The form to some degree dictates value

I thought it strange that vases seem to command a greater price which makes little sense-they are easy (no handles) and it percieved value at best

Size plays a part -large ups the cost

Glaze can as well-its a wow one of kind look (for those of us in reduction ,salt, soda ) more so I feel

Lidded forms -more work

Teapots-the most work by far

The venue also can dictate price -craft fair vs gallery or gift shop or a supermarket

The other thing is not very known  to most but is starting to creep into my brain  as I age as I was  in a discussion about this with an older professional potter like me was how many pots do we have left in us? The value of them does increase and we do not care anymore whats the norm as we know they are getting a bit rarer.

Edited by Mark C.
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Thanks for posting my question Pres.

How a customer will perceive the value of a pot and then work with that idea to add value to a pot regardless of setting is a tough one. For sure where you sell your pots makes a difference but what makes pot A fetch a higher price than pot B for example (same maker). A larger size would be one consideration but if both pots are the same size what can be done to raise the perceived value of a pot? Does brushwork raise the value? Porcelain vs stoneware or earthenware? Weight? A story behind the pot? Multiple glazes? Liner glaze? Trimmed foot? Firing method? Time of year selling the pot?  Display? All of the above? I'm still trying to figure this out.

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