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Is there a traditional or formal name for filler material in hollow clay sculpture?

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 I have been trying to find tips about using filler material during the sculpture of hollow clay shapes. I've used wadded newspaper before and would like to review what others use, but I am having trouble finding information via search and thought maybe a specific search term would be helpful.

Is there a particular term for the filler material or the role of the filler?

Thank you!

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Paper seems to be the filler of choice because it will burn out the most cleanly, can shrink or compact as the clay shrinks, and will dry along with the clay. No plastics, foam or styrofoam if it will go into a kiln. Nothing that will not shrink with the clay as it dries.

As to what I have seen for terminology, ‘padding’ if it is on an armature, ‘filler’ if not.

Generally, try to make the clay walls thick enough to be self-supporting as it dries. The sculpture can be cut apart when leather hard to remove excess clay. 

Edited by Rae Reich
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  • 3 weeks later...

one of my books was used as a textbook and showed the interior of a sculpture of a kneeling person.  it had several  hollow sections supported on the outer walls.  no filler at all.

a different one showed someone using pantyhose stuffed with torn paper so it could be formed inside easily.  a stuffed fabric is easier to control than loose anything.

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