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Bending extruded tubes

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Hi all,

Been trying to find out how to handle a long, hollow extruded tube to bend it into a coiled shape (think like a snake coiled up), without it collapsing. It seems it should have a soft fill inside to keep its shape but I can’t find the right material that’s pliable enough for this. 

Does anyone have any tips or techniques to do this?

Thanks in advance. 

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I know you can fill copper tubing with sand to keep it from collapsing while bending...You might try what Mark says, let it firm up a bit, cap one end, fill it with sand and then try to bend it. What diameter is the tube? Do you plan on glazing the inside?

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Sand! Hadn’t thought of that. Wonder what would happen in the kiln with the sand that gets stuck to the inside of the tube though?  
Trapped air though… hadn’t thought of that either, thanks guys, I’ll try and see what happens. 

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