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Is anyone available to produce these parts?

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Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well and happy new year! You lovely people have been very helpful to me in the past and I'm here to ask for some more advice. 

I'm a product designer based in the UK and am currently developing a product that is made partly from ceramic. I'm looking to produce a one off prototype for the design, and following this 5-10 prototypes (dependant on the quote). I wanted to check if any of you would be able to produce the parts and complete the work?

The prototype consists of three individual components and they all require a matte white glaze.  The pieces will be in direct contact with water so will need to be sealed. I would also be interested in producing the parts in terracotta. I have attached below the drawings for the three components and have also attached renders of the parts. All measurements on the drawings are in mm and the pieces must be produced to a tolerance of +/- 1mm. 

If you have any questions about the parts or need further details then let me know.  If you are able to complete the work I'd love to hear from you!


drawings base a0003.pdf

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May I suggest including more detail and spec - what is the usage/purpose, target environment, finish? Are the tolerances on the detailed bits also +-1 mm - the edges, tiny holes, etc.?

Why ceramic and/or why not plastic (Mark's question)?


+-1 mm doesn't make sense to me here, for example...

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Since you have 3d renderings try having them printed and then have molds made.  They'll have to be printed with a specific shrinkage taken into account, but there are professional mold makers.  

There are also porcelain impregnated resins now that will print directly in porcelain, and this is what I'd try to do first if I were you, because you're doing these as prototypes.  If you were to go through the mold making process only to make changes later you'd have to have the molds remade and that is costly.

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On 1/5/2021 at 3:31 PM, HW Design said:

The pieces will be in direct contact with water so will need to be sealed. I would also be interested in producing the parts in terracotta. I have attached below the drawings for the three components and have also attached renders of the parts. All measurements on the drawings are in mm and the pieces must be produced to a tolerance of +/- 1mm. 

I am getting the sense that ceramics is not something you are familiar with. As noted above without further explanation, context, even end use it’s likely going to be difficult to get informed opinions of how to make this from an appropriate material in an efficient manner.

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