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Firing electric kiln without vent


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Hi all,

I just got my very first kiln and L&L e28m, it's a beauty.

I bought it with the vent however I have not yet installed the vent due to it being a little complicated and me needing help.

I test fired my kiln yesterday and it  all went according to plan, now I'm wondering if I can simply use my kiln to bisque and glaze fire until I have the vent properly installed?
My previous studio had a Skutt that was not vented so I know I can do it, however curious about the peeps, Should I leave all the peeps out for bisque and in for glaze or?

Would appreciate any help at all!


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Congrats on your new kiln!

Down the road, a few days o' waiting to get your vent set up won't signify (as much as does now!)...

The typical is leave out the top peep, sufficient oxygen being important for bisque, bright reds and yellows, and venting away yucks. That said, you'll have adequate ventilation for any people that are about, and generally stay away from the plume of effluent, right?

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