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QotW: What do you make that is difficult, and takes time but is not viewed as difficult?

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Okay, last question was: do you make anything that is easy and quick to make but looks like it's more work than it is? That brings to mind just the opposite: QotW: What do you make that is difficult, and takes time but is not viewed as difficult?

I think if I were to look at my pots over the years there are at least two things that seem to be unappreciated for their complexity or difficulty. Large anything, and covered dishes. I will take on the covered dishes first, as the two parts for me has much to work on. I find the fitting of lids not too bad, and the placement of handles is fine, but then when you consider the throwing so that the bottom of the casserole does not crack, the marrying of the walls into the base, and the arch of the lid and lid fit, the placement of the lid handle for use with mitts and the side handles of the dish if it has them. . . . .there is a lot to go wrong. Don't  get me wrong, my percentage of survival of good well thrown and glaze ware in this category is high when I do it, but I haven' in years, They never sold well.

Large anything, I have done the covered jars, the large floor vases, and two three and four section pots over the years. In talking with lot of folks it is not construed as being worth the money!!!! They don't understand the fact that to get to the point that you can throw a 36" cylinder and shape it, trim the base, and then glaze it may only take you an hour and a half all together. When looking at the price tag they can't wrap their heads around the fact that it took years to gain the skill to do it.  Just saying... . 

So QothW: What do you make that is difficult, and takes time but is not viewed as difficult?




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Not that they are really difficult but they do take more time than they look.  From last week (finally able to start throwing again after an injury).



57 minutes ago, Pres said:

they can't wrap their heads around the fact that it too years to gain the skill to do it. 



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Pretty much everything, heh.  I make videos about making things and it's been beneficial for other potters, but detrimental for selling things at a price.  It looks easy, and I can't really blame people for thinking so.  I think only people who took ceramics in school or who have tried it themselves can really appreciate the time and energy it takes to get a form the way you want it.  It's not even easy to make something really crappy.  But just watching someone do it, is like... Oh yeah of course, you just make the clay into whatever you want, easy premise.

I think the 3D arts are especially prone to this bias because HELLO you just make what you see.  Most people have drawn something, and realise how difficult it is to draw something the way you see it.  But most people have not tried to sculpt or do something in three dimensions because it's less accessible.  They have no frame of reference.  

I've gone back and forth with people on this and the jury is out, but as far as the amount of skill and time that goes into a given form, it's lost on a lot of people.

Luckily I've found that most people seeking ceramics are people who have at least tried it and are appreciative of the skill and effort.

As a footnote, I really appreciate the experience of sitting at a booth and hearing the things that we usually consider negative or condescending about our craft.  For me it brings to light a lot of things I'd never have considered and I feel like I understand better what it is that impresses people who don't have a frame of reference.  It's not comfortable at the time, but in retrospect it's something I feel is important to think about.

Edited by liambesaw
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