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Bubbled Cones In Electric Kiln


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Hello! I have a smaller Skutt kiln, and I've noticed in my last few bisque (^04) firings, the cones on the top shelf have not bent over completely. I'd read that even though this happens, I could still safely go to glaze (^6) fire. When I do that, all the cones on all shelves (between 3-4) come out bubbled - little air pockets on the surface - and stuck to the shelves. Does anyone know what could be the cause of this? I've researched online and in the Slutt and Orton manuals and haven't been able to solve it. As you can probably tell from this question, I am a new kiln owner, a newb. Any input and suggestions greatly appreciated! I have a photo of the cone sets that I can post (?) if that helps.

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Nope, the cones have never gotten wet. All three of the glaze cones (white ones) have the bubbles. I'm beginning to think my thermocouple might be bad, causing over firing. Something else that's been happening is a glaze that's supposed to be matte, has been coming out glossy and melting to my kiln shelves. So much so, that I have to buy new furniture.

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Ok the white cones are not overfired much as the point is still almost equal to base.

When you say the matts are shiny-that can mean you are firing them to hot. I can only see bubbles in that lower white cone but if they all are I'm suspect of that box of cone 6 cones.

Matts go shiny when overfired.

Put a cone near your thermocouple to test what that does next glaze fire

Are the matts shiny on the top shelve where that top cone is bearly soft tip in the photo?

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Marc C: Yes, the mattes turned shiny on all 3 shelves. I always place a cone close to the thermocouple, for every firing.


Marcia: Yes, it happened throughout the kiln - all 3 shelves. I keep pieces at least 2" away from cones, which I try to vertically align with the thermocouple on each shelves.


Neilstrick: I think you nay be onto something there as well, with the cooling rates.


Thank you, everyone for your input to help me sleuth this! I'm running tests today and changing out my thermocouple - the tip is black and there appears to be some color change in the ceramic sleeve around it.

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No, I was just referring to the ceramic, segmented tube that it came with. Nothing that goes over the tip.


I am going to run some diagnostic tests (if I can figure out how) and do a test fire. Everything I've read is leading me to believe it's over firing. Note: I haven't been doing any custom firing, only doing the programmed cone firing.


I guess the fact that my bisque fires have been under and my glaze fires over, is what has me stumped.

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