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Basic Refining


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So i have started some basic things using clay, and i want to use that i have in my garden, but ofc. its full of sand.

So i use the normal cleaning techinique where i dissolve it in water, let sand sink to bottom, remove clayifyed (?) water from bucket, into another bucket, then let it settle. But it doesnt settle after ~50 hours. Should i just let it stand there for weeks? the only filter i have that is fine enough is coffe filters, but the are so slow, and cant be forced and cant take more then ~1 DL. I currently boil it down on a campfire, but this is also slow. Does anyone know a smart technique? I think its called red/blue clay where i livve in Denmark.

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As an experiment, try drying a small amount of your "clay". Then screen it through a sieve with mesh that is small enough to let the powdered clay through but will hold back the sand. Discard the sand, then wash the screened residue in a small bucket. See if the clay settles out then.

If that works, move on to larger quantities of material. It will be a tedious process at best. If it doesn't work, follow Alabama's suggestion! :)



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