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Juxtaposie Jen

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Everything posted by Juxtaposie Jen

  1. I find myself in the same boat. I am repeatedly drawn to low fire clay and processes and I’m not really sure why. This forum hada shown me I’m not alone.
  2. Unless you have a history of reactive airway disease - it is unlikely to cause an acute reaction.
  3. @PeterH his is similar to one he has Magswitch I almost wonder if it might be too strong
  4. My husband uses some really strong magnets that he can turn on and off with the handle. I am goi g to need to “borrow” one I have a thing for magnets in general and kinda mad that I didn’t think of this before. Genius I say!!
  5. I have found I have quite a knack for that!! Nothing will teach you that “less is more” like pottery!!
  6. While new to pottery - I’ve been around the block a few times when it comes to self employment. (My handy hubs has been self employed most of our married life) I’m convinced you can make a living at almost anything. But you may not actually want the kind of life that will require. Finding that sweet spot of profit/lifestyle balance is not easy This next part is going to sound harsh - but people who are asking that question - are rarely in the right place to do it. That is usually people who have fallen deeply in love with something and want to find a way to do it full time. (Something I completely understand) But making a living means you will spend a lot of time NOT doing the part you love. If you’re running a creative business is a very different animal than making full time. Your making time is then at least partially dictated by what will sell. You have to decide if that makes sense for you and is the life you want. To jump in full time would require a substantial financial investment. That’s overhead you will be spending hours to pay for when you may not have your product and niche figured out yet. The barrier to entry as a side gig is much lower. It gives you time to grow and refine. There’s a reason a lot of successful potters start there. After spending some time doing that - you will know what questions to really ask to determine if it’s a viable business opportunity for the life you want. I am super blessed to be employed at a job that I enjoy, pays me well, and I am good at. I let that job finance my creative endeavors. Sometimes we forget that we don’t HAVE to monetize our creativity. Many blessings to you as you find your sweet spot.
  7. My ADHD brain needs the clay. Wedging is a straight dopamine hit (which surprises the heck out of me because it’s basically the OPPOSITE of everything that usually makes my brain happy) The physical rhythmic movements and seeing and feeling the clay transform soothes my brain when it’s chaotic. The clay forces me to slow down and be intentional at every step. It is a constant exercise in mindfulness. I have to pay attention to my physical body and align it with my mental state. I’ve never had anything require that physical part before and I think that’s the magic. (I’m still in my first year of pottery) My 50 year old body lets me know if I wasn’t paying attention to my posture! I’m actually motivated to strengthen my core so I can achieve longer times in the studio. I notice that standing to throw has been mentioned a lot. Maybe I need to look into that.
  8. I am finding myself still in the resisting wax stage (see what I did there ) mostly because I’m a sloppy worker and a bit afraid of getting it where I don’t want it. But I think I’m going to experiment with it today. I hadn’t really thought about how it saves glaze. That could be enough for my frugal nature to override my fears. And my mind is blown. I’m pretty sure the handy hubs has some bits of that laying around that I will scavenge today. nothing really makes him as nervous as me randomly poking through his shop.
  9. Picturing the rakes is helping! thanks so much!!
  10. Tell me more please! I can’t quite picture what you’re describing- and yet - I’m pretty sure it’s what I need. I’m fortunate to have a super fabricator husband who can build me just about anything I can reasonably explain.
  11. If anyone has any info on that book - I’d love to see those recipes
  12. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am continually drawn to low fire bodies and processes.
  13. I was born to maker parents. We were also of meager means - so making the things I wanted just seemed natural. We did have hands on classes in high school - but I found them frustrating. Nothing like pottery though. I’m so jealous of kids that get to experiment with that in school!
  14. Thanks for that additional info Callie. I don’t really have a preconceived idea of what it “should” look like so I can just be pleasantly surprised with that ever it does. But I will double check the frit/stain combos. I wouldn’t have thought about that.
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