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Mark C.

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Everything posted by Mark C.

  1. Whamo mamo on sandstone buff Quyle clay cone 10 reduction. I worked on this glaze in glaze cal class way back when-I'll dig out the old formula This set is in daily use since 1976-78?
  2. What ??? Kingman Spar was no longer available.?? Rae i this is not quite true for me. Good thing I loved my Whamo Mamo Matt on stoneware so much back in the day-(kingman was the only sparr that worked well for that glaze) when i caught wind of Kingmans dimise I found the guy who still owned the mine and drove to Kingman AZ in early 80s and bought 30 #100 bags-it cost $300 . I still am using kingman in 99% of all my galzes and am down to only 5 bags #100 left. The funny part of this story is sometine around 2000 I thought I had to much and tried to sell some. A fellow from middle California sent away a sample to be analyzed and it was just off the orginal published thresholds and tuned down buying any. Best thing that happend to me with feldspar really. I started using it in place of custard in all glazes not just a few. Then Custar when sideways but my kingman well shes still here for me. Within a few years I switched to all porcelain studio and gave up the Mamo Wamo on stoneware.I had a mountain of kingman at that time. I have lots of albany as well and kona F4 orginal bags-its a material horader problem for me.When I need a material I want to walk a few feet and use it. I need to start using them again. I got an e-mail recently of someone who ran accross the old add asking if I had any for sale. Well I said its about 20 years to late. My kingman and me will run out about the same time The only thing is now I cannot lift a 100# bag very easy and need help with them. I used to toss them -getting old is not for the weak of heart.
  3. Pulled a lot of $$ from that town as its a tourist meca in summer and that shop has sold my wares for 46 years now and also pulled a lot of fish from the sea out front-also a fair amount from underwater there as well. The only marine railway operating on the west coast to luanch your boat as well. Very unique spot on this Earth.
  4. They should sell better than the imports and they should sell for more. make this clear for the next go around that if they sell well they will cost more next time.
  5. How much are the ones from china retailing for in same size??
  6. You talking about in Trinidad I assume?No clothing stores there now.I sell and have sold pottery in that town at the Eatery since 1973 myself
  7. Just make your own-its easy -you have your dog step into a clay slab-(you place the paw) fire that then press clay into that and its now a stamp after you fire that. It will shrink a tad every time so keep this in mind. You need to turn the negative paw to a positive paw .No need to pay $ for and easy paw prind -heck I have made my cat ones for years and dogs are easier to work with.
  8. Hulk We have a few Totos already -one is the top of the line thats does everything except open the seat lid. Heated and washout -no music Traveled enough in Asia to appreciate them-we have regular toto in spare bath The 1/2 bath one will hang off wall with free space under it as water tank is in the wall. Very little space in that small room without a door(no room for door) just a small glass block visual block wall about 4 feet tall. That floor will be maple as well. On a side note I still fish out of Trinadad every summer myself
  9. How about a Larger paw print-dog folks love the big size.
  10. I'm not sure thats a ever for me. That said I seem to get about 12-15 glazes going at any one time.-over time I experiment anbd bring is a new one to the fold and usuallt take one out. Thats happend a few years ago with an iron saturated glaze I now make with synthectic iron and am phasing out the old iron glaze. The new one is much brighter and almost red in certain situations. I have a few glazes that I have used my whole career and my costomers still crave them. Test for me works in cycles of how bored I get with my glazes and how much spare time I have to adress the testing period. I know for example I have big (last remodel of house) on our bedroom this late spring/summer and thats will take up all testing time so its now or fall for me for new colors. as to the remodel its a full gut interior-raising the floor 11 inches to match rest of house as one level. Raising the ceiling at least 1 foot-That means collar ties and adding 2x6 to ceiling,making walls 2x6 over 2x4 as is currently by adding furring strips to studs. Adding a very small 1/2 bath with wall monted Toto Toilet and a small corner sink. maple hardwood floor-moving closet into two closets. Moveing entry door 6 inchs over to fit closets .New windows(3 -3x6s) perment color outside wood interior. Maple trim throughout. New wiring (last room to get this). Puting in a small mini split AC /heat pump unit for this room .(its about 16x 15 if I recall.)taking out the exterior door and filling in the 5/8 x 10 old growth redwood siding with cider siding(already have it) Adding new insulation and 5/8 sheet rock as well. I'm doing all the mechanical/electrical and helping with some wood work and doing the trim This room was a add on in 1962 about 10 years before I boughtb the property and its all made from old growth redwood-and is currenty covered with mahogany paneling-the real stuff. Its that only room left thats not 5/8 sheet rock. And as you may have guessed I'm not going to be making many pots during May 20th and the later part of June-But they are getting made NOW. Sorry I got a wee bit sidetracked on the glaze question
  11. Two glaze fires going simo-back at it.

    1. glazenerd


      Let production begin!

  12. 1st bisque firing of the year in big kiln today(35 cubic feet)-Little kiln (12 cubic)has had 3 glaze fires already in it.
  13. What is realistic amout of time to spend before being able to produce quality thrown forms on the wheel.Meaning ones that others will want (not family members) 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years longer?
  14. My studio is small and the electric slab roller is 30 inchs wide at rollers and another 1 foot for the mechanics. its about 7 feet long as well. I cut into the sill to get it flatter to fit my small space.I use the table all time in glazing and forming stuff. It was an adjustment but in the long run I'm vdery happyt to have it. The table is formica so its a joy to clean up.My answer is yes I can afford it space wise even thought its use is not very often.I wonder why I did not get this sooner in my career ???My rolling pins and shims hardly ever get used anymore-now thats something that is never used taking up space now.
  15. Yes they have wimpy cord and restrains-of course it very quiet when it cannot run-wisper quiet I bet. I used a few of thoise doing some demos a few years ago-great for talking over.
  16. The public always needs help with what the heck is it for items.
  17. My thought is the sponge leans against the side at an angle so air hits just about everywhere. It may be extra work for not. I have seen them with shark teeth on sides -as well as the bottom cut out on bottom-both things are unnecessary . Our sponges to not drip are get loose. I had a Japanese potter send me oine from Japan with the bottom cut out an a panda bear on the side. Now that was time consuming. I put put holes in about 1/2 my extruded soap dishes-holes take extra time to clean up.-just a thought. As you know these sell better with one demo sponge in them on of them.
  18. Whats the purpose of the side holes in the sponge holders?-it has to be decorative ?
  19. Making fish mugs with friends today.The plan is give one to Ray Troll when he is in Aracta on  book signing tour later in month

    1. Denice


      Sounds like a great time getting together with friends and making mugs.   Denice

  20. You meanDxtruded soap dishes thrown -butterdishes -spongeholders and mugs
  21. Today it extruded soap dishes sponge holders-butterdishes and mugs. Short day
  22. Min I got tired of salt pigs taking so long-I worked on a copper pipe to cut my opening like a hole cutter. I like an oval opening but since yours are round this will go easier for you. I ovaled the larger copper pipe fitting and then ground the inside down to a point with a Dremel tool . You could do this with platic pipe or fittings(these vary in size) Just find the size you want and sand or grind the edge to a point and t=now you have a fast punch. It works great then sponge smooth. Saves tons of time.
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