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Status Updates posted by moh

  1. Wow, studio burnout. Just completely burnt out. Studio open 6 months, been working 70 hours / week since then. Need to take a break!

    1. GEP


      Burnout is a common problem for potters. Yes, take a break, then learn to pace yourself. It's a marathon not a sprint.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Definitely need a break. enjoy yourself.


    3. glazenerd


      I go through periods of living, breathing, and living it: hard to turn off sometimes.

  2. Ever drank an underglaze-filled water mistaking it for fruit punch? I have.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      My best was a cup of water which I was using to put my wax brush in. My mouth was filmy for a while.

    3. Pres


      I don't drink or eat anything in the studio, unless I am just reading or watching a kiln.

  3. The last 2 weeks I've clocked 100+ hours/week in the studio in preparation for a craft show. My body absolutely hates me and my brain is fried. But I went through many audible books and finished Neil Tyson's Cosmo series. It better rain money soon.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      And good luck! Here's hoping you come home much lighter!

    3. terrim8


      those books sound like a good idea


    4. moh


      Thank you Diesel Clay! I'm gon pack that vitamin C too the week of for good measure.

  4. Averaging 60 hours now in the studio a week. Loaded a full 10 cubic foot glaze today and trimmed a bunch of bowls and mugs. Studio opening party for friends on Saturday, then off to karaoke :)

    1. Babs


      gimme some of that energy

    2. Marko


      I could use some of that energy too.

    3. moh


      Youth and obsession helps :D

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