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     : Canada

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  1. I put a huge bowl of water out at the edge of our driveway during the summer for dogs out for a walk. Went to change the water just now and somebody has stolen the bowl. Hmmm, back to using a bucket rather than one of my bowls. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DirtRoads


      That's really horrible for someone to take something so generously placed for our furry companions .......


    3. Min


      Part of me wants to put another bowl out. I would like my faith in human decency restored, and yet I need to be realistic.

    4. DirtRoads


      Maybe put out a piece with a small defect?    Try it again.   On the outside chance, the bowl was empty and whoever got it just thought it was being discarded?   I make a lot of little signs on slabs around  and use around my retail store.   Maybe put a little stone sign out there  "Fur Babies" Only!  Or something like that.  

      I usually give people another chance.   Although, it rarely works out.

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