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    Los Osos, California

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  1. On my way out of the studio tonight I suddenly had a brilliant idea of a way to move things around, have more storage AND more floor space! I measured and everything would fit so of course I started heaving around filing cabinets and bookcases at 12 am. I neglected to move my shelf of drying pottery first and with a huge crash something fell straight on the top shelf, breaking a mug I can make again and a dinosaur piggy bank for my son that has taken me hours to make. :( :(

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    2. GiselleNo5


      and one for whatever. They're also about 12 inches deep and I can actually keep them in front of my wall shelves and just swing them out (carefully) like a huge door when I need to get at something stored on the wall shelves (I will only store things I don't use very often). Plus I can move them to wherever I'm working or loading the kiln.

    3. GiselleNo5


      I know you cannot ever have too much storage and especially in a pottery studio you MUST have empty shelves for your current work.

    4. Denice


      I have crashed several pieces moving shelves around. They were usually out of view and had been sitting around for a while. I figured they will come out better the next time.

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