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About lgusten

  • Birthday September 22

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  • Location
    Bethania, NC
  • Interests
    Slab building, tile, mixed media, antiques, patterns in nature, textiles, music, birds in the backyard (lots of them)

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  1. Finally, going to take the plunge and buy my first kiln.  I am feeling a little scared....I have some  experience firing someone else's kiln...but it has been a few years.  

    My space in the basement is all wired, got a great vent area....the house had an old oil furnace removed 30- 30 years ago, but the chimney still has the vent and the opening is close to where the kiln is going.  

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lgusten


      I have been reading them.  Will be reaching out when I run my first test run.  I am becoming more excited than scared.  Need to get going on my glazes in prep.  Used to help make them at a local community art school.  Think I will look for 1 good recipe and go from there.  

    3. yappystudent


      Reading about kilns helped to raise and answer a lot of questions I had when I was getting my kiln. Your challenges might vary but they are worth pushing through. I'm only on my 8th firing next and it's actually getting more exciting because things are turning out better and I've more confidence using the machine itself. 

    4. lgusten


      Glad to hear about how you are moving ahead.   I am looking forward to that feeling more confident.  I used to help with the loading and unloading and occasionally the firing of the electric kilns at the community art school.  But I was following directions.  It is going to be different to have to fire on my own.  Lots to learn.

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