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Rebekah Krieger

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Status Updates posted by Rebekah Krieger

  1. I opened my first glaze firing in the new kiln. Some exciting pieces, and a few ugly ones!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Roberta12


      Maybe that is when we will know we really are potters....when the entire kiln load turns out great!!! I'm not there yet!


    3. High Bridge Pottery

      High Bridge Pottery

      I find it is like making little people. All of them with diverse personalities. I grow to love the ugly ones.



    4. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Congratulations! Now on to the 2nd kiln load...

  2. Bisque Firing in the new (used) kiln FINALLY!!! /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

    1. High Bridge Pottery

      High Bridge Pottery

      Hopefully you were pleasantly surprised :D

    2. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      I was very happy- everything seemed to bisque fine. I had 2 cracked rims of bowls but i think they occurred in the trimming process and just showed up in the bisque. I put some cones in the kiln to check for accuracy and they did nothing.. so I wonder what is going on. The wares seem fine though.


    3. Babs


      What cones did you put in ? Just be careful glazing if hte cone you wanted to fire to did nothing as this would suggest the kiln didn't get to temp/cone you wanted to and this would mean that your ware is more porous than you expect so the glaze will go on the pot thicker, if you get what I'm sayning.

      Exciting firing!

  3. I realized today that it is much easier to make large forms out of porcelain than it is with stoneware.

  4. I unloaded a batch of mugs yesterday - Some of the colors excite me! I have been making "pink shino" using coyote shino and rhubarb.

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      is this in the new kiln?

    2. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      Not yet. The new kiln is getting hooked up on Sunday. :)

  5. I bisque fired my first mouse yesterday ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rebekah Krieger
    3. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Wouldn't it be justice if that load fired fantastically and you could never reproduce it?

    4. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      Haha.. that would be my luck!


  6. Frustrated! Everything is preventing me from getting into my studio! And I need a new panel upgrade in order to hook up my new (used) kiln!

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