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Marcia Selsor

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  • Location
    Red Lodge, Montana
  • Interests
    Besides chemistry, history, techniques, clay bodies, kilns and firings, ceramics collections and museums, I am interested in Civic engagement, gardening , bird watching, Montana outdoors, historical places, education.

    my website includes many "how-to" pages for making quick terra terra sig, to building raku kilns. http://www.marciaselsorstudio.com

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  1. tis is a first for me, Threw in the morning trimmed in the afternoon and loaded that evening. Had to get the firing done. Lost three pieces out of about 50. But now I have enough to fill my allotted amount for the up coming wood firing. So happy to be getting some finished pieces soon. It has been a while since I broke down my studio in Nov.The electricity was connected to my kiln shed last Thurs. All kilns are functioning after their 1780 mile journey north.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pres


      Lots of fans, rotation of pieces, slow bisque.


    3. glazenerd


      Happy Cone 11-12 wood firing. Pics later please.

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      It was porcelain. Babu. I didn't like throwing it but the handles were good. and didn't crack. Very forgiving but I like Colemen better.


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