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Marcia Selsor

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  • Location
    Red Lodge, Montana
  • Interests
    Besides chemistry, history, techniques, clay bodies, kilns and firings, ceramics collections and museums, I am interested in Civic engagement, gardening , bird watching, Montana outdoors, historical places, education.

    my website includes many "how-to" pages for making quick terra terra sig, to building raku kilns. http://www.marciaselsorstudio.com

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  1. my big oval is really well insulated. Took over 30 hours for the bisque to cool. but the fan was running and it comes on at 120 F.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. terrim8


      so much nicer to fire in the winter, especially if its snowing outside & you can sit in the kiln shed with a nice cup of coffee!


    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      agree totally!


    4. glazenerd


      My 6.5 top loader is custom built 3" brick and 2" fiber. Anymore I just turn it off when done firing and check it two days later.

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