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Melted Clay

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Hello everyone,


I have a little disaster happened at my shared studio and I wonder if a more experienced potter can comment on that. So, 3 cup out of 7 just melted in the kiln, sticking to the shelve and clay looks like lava, having bubbles inside. No one really knows why did it happen, while 4 other cups survived and another one, made by another potter (no grog, no glaze) looks perfect.


I have used so called "Irish clay" (dark brown), adding handmade grog (bisqued porcelain and terracota) and firing it to 1200 C. The only thing I know is that this clay should have been fired at lower temperatures. Those three cups that melted where staying in the side, closer to the heat, the others in the middle, they are fine, but still have something like bubbles on them, so they were starting to melt or so too.

Just don't understand why did it happen, could it be that grog caused it.? The one without grog and glaze was even located in a more hotter place, but nothing happened to it. Do you have any idea?


Thank you!





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I think you are correct that the clay should have been fired at a lower temperature.  It is unlikely that the porcelain grog would have had a part, but terra cotta is usually a lower firing clay and could have melted and caused an issue.



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You have mixed two different clays that fire at different temps in a fire made for hotter clays.

Whenever you have a lower temperature clay in studios with higher temp bodies then its what I call a disaster waiting to occur-its not if but when.

looks like it melted onto an element-Any studio that allows diffent temp clays will sooner than later get this same result-its human nature

Bust out the chisel and grinder and make a new rule that no low temp clay be allowed in the doorotherwise you will see this again.


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