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Pet (dog) safe cobalt fountain?


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Hi! I'm building an outdoor fountain using a beautiful heavy ceramic pot with blue cobalt glaze (purchased from a garden center) as a base. I'm planning for my dog to be able to drink from it over the summer. The glaze goes down about 2 inches past the lip on the inside, the inside is otherwise plain earthenware material (glaze covers the outside). I'm concerned there is likely unsafe toxins in the glaze that could leach into my puppy's water--does anyone have any suggestions to make the inside "food safe"? If I take it to a community kiln and glaze the inside clear, will that damage the existing finish? Or is there another product anyone suggests to put on the inside of the pots I use? It will only hold cool water. THANKS SO MUCH!!!

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I wouldnt personally let my dog drink from that, could be all sorts of nasties besides cobalt.  Lead, barium, chrome, lithium, etc.  If it's not designed to be eaten out of, it's not designed with safety in mind.  I also doubt a community studio would let you refire unknown glazed terra cotta, it could melt and ruin shelves, if the glaze has lead it will contaminate the kiln and other pieces in the kiln, etc. Etc. 

Might be easier to just have someone throw a bowl to your specification, it will be more expensive but you'll know it's safe.

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Thanks--that's my concern, too. It may very well be safe as is, but don't want to risk my dogs health. The piece I hope to use is very heavy, has survived outside several seasons--I think it'd be a pain to get something similar in weight/durability specially made. I didn't realize it could potentially mess up a kiln; may have to look at other ways to line it for safety. If anyone else has an idea, much appreciated! :)

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6 minutes ago, Karina said:

I think I found solution--apparently epoxy resins are food safe, I should be able to coat the inside with that.

Not sure about that. I would suggest an inert  liner. Food  grade epoxy is not usually available at your local Home Depot and getting 100% coverage or fully cured  uniform proportions or  potential crazing issues are foreseeable issues that  could arise with this.

I would google and find an inert liner that can be removed and refreshed regularly to remove the bugs and other nasties that will accumulate.

Just my thought - go Fido!

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I would think, that if this is going to be an outdoor fountain, unless you change the water frequently, it is going to get all sorts of stuff in it - algae, bacteria, bird poo, flies, creepy crawlies, blah blah blah.  They may be more,  or less, safe than any affects from the glaze.

Knowing how unfussy dogs can be at what they eat, drink and roll around in, your fountain might be the cleanest place your dog drinks from !

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