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QotW: What have you or are you doing this Memorial Day weekend that could be ceramics related?

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I have had a momentous Memorial Day weekend, and the weekend is not really over yet. Yesterday, my wife and I traveled with my Dad up to Whitneyville, PA where we buried my Dads ashes near my mother at the cemetery up there. We had a short ceremony where family and friends gathered to say their last goodbyes to my best friend. Dad was 97 yrs old. When he was 92 he told me he wanted me to make his burial urn, I made one, and over the years it turned up missing, so 2 years ago I made a second. He passed in January this year and we waited until this weekend to bury the ashes. 

So I got to thinking. . . what were other potters doing this weekend that was related to their craft and Memorial Day weekend?

QotW: What have you or are you doing this Memorial Day weekend that could be ceramics related?




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Sorry nothing to do with my clay,  laying fresh cut flowers on my mother in-law grave  she died during Covid.   She was big on decorating the family grave site every year,  my parents drove 100 miles to pickup my grandfather so he could sweep my grandmothers grave.   There was never any real or fake flowers,   my husband said that tradition was much more thoughtful and sentimental than flowers.  As a child I just thought of it as BORING!    Denice

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I fired the kiln on Memorial Day. Some pieces from local clay, the bisque ware has been building up, I finally had time to glaze fire. Somehow I threw my back out (couldn’t be from those thick silicon carbide shelves, could it?), so I haven’t even peeked at the result. It’s a first, I’m usually standing there with gloves on wishing the kiln would cool just a little faster. In bed all day instead. Enforced rest period, I guess. 

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I hope your back gets better soon,  bed rest always fixed my dogs back.   All of my dogs seem to have a little dachsund in them.   I would roll them in a blanket like a sausage and put them in their bed.   I would check on them every 4 hours,  take them out, water or feed them and them roll them back up.   After a couple of day the crisis would be over, I hope yours is.   Denice

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When 19, had a major accident that did number to my lower back(seatbelt fracture). For years would get sore in lower back when having to lift using back muscles or arms extended. Fount that wedging clay helped, or hanging from an over head bar wiggling my hips with the weight stretching the spine. Temporary relief when repeated enough helped.




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