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I’ll tell you exactly how I did it.

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I mentioned a couple of months ago that I was working on this blog post. This is my response to those artists who express confusion or bother when they see my nearly (or completely) empty booth at the end of a show. I am happy to explain exactly what I’m doing. I also point out common mistakes I see other artists making. Buckle in, this is a long post. I tried to be as thorough and honest as possible. This went up yesterday and I’m getting tons of traffic and lots of good reaction to it.


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Thank you for sharing Gep!

It's one thing to gain experience and knowledge through experience, another to systematically apply same and improve, and yet another to clearly, concisely and successfully communicate how you are doing it. Nice work!

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@GEP you knocked it out of the park, Slugger!  I know I have told you before, but I will say it again.  You are often the voice in my head when I am prepping for a show, checking out a new venue, etc.  And yes, Mea,  I even quote you to others!  Thanks for sharing your knowledge with all.


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