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What is the difference between CoreLite and other Hollow Core kiln shelves?

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 I have been online shopping for some CoreLite shelves, which I think are produced by Resco's Cedar Heights Clay division, and have noticed a few vendors that offer some similarly shaped shelves that seem to be described generically as "Hollow Core".

I am wondering if there is any significant difference between the CoreLite brand name and generic products, and I am wondering if there is a specific way to identify a brand name CoreLite product when you are viewing it firsthand.

Thank you.



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It looks like the "hollow core" ones are made from corderite (alumina + silica + trace minerals) and the CoreLite are corderite + mullite. I noticed for the supplier you linked to that the CoreLites are on sale for 35% off which makes them less expensive than the regularly priced "hollow core" ones. I don't know how long the "hollow core" ones have been out for and what the reviews for them are, CoreLites have been available for a while now, @neilestrick, still like yours?

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Thanks for taking a look.

I went ahead an purchased some CoreLite shelves this morning from a small shop with a sort of informal online shopping web page. It was conveniently located near a family members home, who picked them up and will bring them down to me in a few weeks.

It seemed a bit awkward buying them sight unseen from a small shop and then having a long interim before I can take a look at them, so I was trying to minimize any misunderstanding by learning what to ask about or look for.

I am going to assume the shelves I bought are the real deal CoreLites that I anticipated them to be, and try not to over think it any further.

Thanks very much.


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My guess is they are all made by same manufacture. I have near  experience with theses as they are not in my firing range. I have seen them fail at cone 10 only because the stilts where not over a solid core section and the shelve looked crushed (looked squashed). I suggest at cone  if that is tour temp? make sure the stilts (all three) of them are supported with a core inside section

My old ceramic instructor always said pay your money and take your chances-let us know how they are

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On 7/9/2022 at 12:24 PM, Min said:

@neilestrick, still like yours?

Yes! I've never had an issue with my CoreLite shelves. I've put over 700 firings on some of them and never had to flip them. Even my big 14x28 shelves stayed flat for hundreds of firings. I cut those down to 25" half rounds last year and they're still going strong.

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