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Old Pacifica GT 400 Wheel Bearing Replacement

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 I have an almost 40 year old Pacifica GT 400 potter's wheel. It's been a terrific wheel with only minimal routine maintenance needed until now. It seems to have a top and a bottom bearing and it needs a new top bearing. I don't want to tear into it without some guidance from someone who has done this before, but Laguna could provide no help at all as the wheel is too old. To help date the wheel,  it has a lower bearing attached to two steel straps welded to the frame. TIA for any help anyone can provide.

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Might be of some assistance.
need help with laguna pacific wheel http://www.potters.org/subject77125.htm

PS One for the Sod's Law encyclopedia
David had fixed his so I gave him a call. Said that there are two set screws in the same hole. One on top of the other. The second serves the purpose of keeping the first from backing out on it's own

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good tips-two set scres one on top of one another-who knew?

 was just gentley prying it before I remembered that 
David had fixed his so I gave him a call. Said that there are two set screws 
in the same hole. One on top of the other. The second serves the purpose of 
keeping the first from backing out on it's own. 
Don't know if they are still making them the same way or not. I do know 
that the newer ones have better foot pedals, cast aluminum versus plasitc, 
but not sure about the rest. If their tech support can't give you any more 
help than you have reported check for that second set screw. If that isn't 
the problem, and your sure the wheel head should be able to break free try 
turning the whole thing over, with the legs sticking up, and put a bit of 
the slovent of your choice to dissolve the corrossion that has formed 
between the shaft and the wheel head. Do this several times. Be patient.The 
shaft is steel and the wheel head is aluminum so there is the problem of a 
reaction between the disimilar metals over time. 
After that try GENTLY tapping around the rim with a RUBBER mallet. As 
you do this try prying, once again, GENTLY, the wheel head just a little by 
using a lever and appropriatly place fulcrum between the base of the wheel 
head where it meets the shaft and the top or the deck of the wheel. Work 
around slowly and very gently. Tapping..gently and slowly. 
Hope this helps 


Funny as I just came across some old literature when I toured the factory in 1980-81?  and spoke to the owner when it was just  a small place in Ferndale Washington if I recall. I was looking at buying my second wheel then and after that tour ordered a CXC Brent. The flakeboard  with plastic top was the deal breaker. Sure it was quieter than a Brent but low quality materials never pan out for me no matter what.

On a small world note  years later that owner(Pacifica wheels )  was one of the ones that started https://usservas.org for world peace. My late Mother was really involved with this outfit and her home was one of the few in Santa Barbara for visitors from around the world-I met many when I was visiting here.

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i got my pacifica 400 in 1972.   it has always had a metal foot pedal.    when it was damaged in an electrical storm that hit my power pole, the original owner sent me another one.  it is metal, too.

if it would help, i can take some photos of whatever part you need but i am NOT taking anything apart to do it.

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IMG_20220613_161242325.jpg.e2efcaa55f872a72a300b739904473b4.jpgHey all. Thanks for the responses. Here's a pic of the underside on the wheel. I was able to easily remove the wheel head. It seems that I need to remove this bearing. The collar at the base of the shaft looks like it would be removable by loosening the set-screws, but it won't budge. 

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Remember they may be another set screw under the 1st one-geta. light and look for another screw.

Then start soaking the shaft-with stuff that loosens stuff like deep creep

if after a few days of soaking-do some light taping or some mild heat on outside collar so it expands a bit then a mild vice grip hold to turn the wheel head against

a little heat goes a long ways-this is a patience job

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