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Elements on full Glow when turning kiln on.

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Hi all,

I've  just had a new sitter installed in my old  Duncan's Kiln.

Over the past year I've replaced every relay, switch etc. so everything is basically new.

Had a new kiln sitter installed couple days ago, proceeded to do a low firing 04. Tripped the circuit breaker at around 800Degrees celcius. 

Flipped the switch back on and the kiln continued on reaching the required temp. thought ok maybe just a glitch.

Next morning  reloaded another cone 06 firing turned the kiln on and the elements glowed red hot immediately. radiating out through the bung holes.

Scared the hell out of me.  No slowly rising to glow I mean immediate red hot. 

Just wondering if anyone has had this happen to them and what the outcome was?

I have an electrician coming but was just curious.

Cheers Kerry

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If you mean they immediately glowed, like they didn't take a few minutes, then there's something goofy going on. Even if the relays were full on, the elements still need time to heat up. If all the elements surged on I would expect it to blow the breaker, because the immediate glowing would mean an excess power draw. I've seen it happen to one element before, but never the whole kiln. Did you see that every element was doing it, or just saw the glow through the peep hole? If it was just the glow, that could be from one element. Start by unplugging the kiln and opening up the control box , including the inner baffle, and see if there's anything obvious going on with the wiring. It's odd that it flipped a breaker at high temp and then this happened. Usually when a breaker flips at high temp it's either because the breaker is worn and overheating, or a wiring connection fried out and a live wire grounded out. I'm wondering if there's a fried wire that made contact somewhere and is causing an excess power draw, but not enough to blow the breaker, or something like that happening inside a relay.

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Hi Kerry, 


I too have an old Duncan kiln, but I'm struggling to get it to reach cone 05, I'm not entirely sure what cone it does reach but when I fire it the cone sitter and witness cones dont melt at all.

Just wondering if you came across this issue when you were replacing stuff and have any sort of idea what part might need replacing?  Or if anyone reading has an idea on where to start checking?


Also, where did you get your replacements from?




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