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re-firing tiles with bits of glue on them. will it damage my kiln?

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I have a client who asked me if I could re-fire these tiles with a slightly darker finish.  He grinded off most of what I believe is glue, it looks like fine concrete which was applied like wet glue. I am going to test a small piece at cone 04, firing it in a safety-plate. But I am wondering if these bits of glue will damage my elements? Especially if I am firing 1-2 full kiln loads of these tiles (about 40-50 of tiles in total).

this picture is of the back of a broken sample tile with the glue-stuff.

any advice would be great! thanks team!



tile sample.jpg

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You're not going to hurt your elements. I would be more concerned about how the adhesive is going to react with the clay, like if it's going to flux out the clay or stick to the shelf or something like that since we don't know what's in it. it may just burn away completely, but you won't know until you test it. If it's something that burns away, you may overload your venting system if there's a lot of it.

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I would have to test one full tile on a big flat cookie so it if melts at a higher temperature it wouldn't run all over the kiln.   I have done some reglazing of tiles and dishes, you can get a lot of pitting,   I had some dishes that the glazes started popping off about a year after I glazed them.    They were sitting on a shelf in my studio and just starting popping glaze sharp shards everywhere,  I ran out of my studio until it stopped.     Denice

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