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Metal that can handle a cone 10 firing

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Hey there!

I'm trying to make something new. I would like to implant some wire into some pieces. I fire in a wood kiln to cone 10. I've heard of using old kiln elements, but was hoping for a smaller gauge. 

I did some searching online at the ceramic supply company I normally buy from, but only found wire for sculpture armature and was wondering if that would work. or ideally I could find something in a local hardware store. 

I would appreciate any information or ideas. Hope everyone is holding up. 

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I've used stainless steel bicycle spokes at ^6 as support rods for xmas decs.  After a few firings, they are too thin to use.  Something in the metal spalls.  I also used it for a hanging loop in something.  They polished up nicely with a wire brush, but were slightly thinner after 2 firings - bisque and ^6.

Have you tried using the old kiln elements to see what actually happens?.  

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