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Giffin Grip fit on Steven Hill Model of Skutt/Thomas Stuart wheel

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40 minutes ago, GreenPotter408 said:


Does a Giffin Grip fit on the Steven Hill (permanent pan) model of the Skutt/Thomas Stuart wheel or does the pan get in the way?

Thanks for your help!


Skutt wheels have about 16" clearance inside the splash pan.

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Hi Green!

Staggering off t'th'studio …close to 16.875" at center of wheel head (just under 1.5" clearance at each side).

The SH model comes with a shaft extender to raise up the wheel head (and leg extenders, and controller "upgrade" as well), hence you should be able to turn big pots and send chips flying far and wee!

I'm still liking my wheel, very much! ...likely would not have been my choice, had I been shopping new, however, lucked on a used (barely) model, still covered by (transferrable) warrantee, seller tossed in some clay and tools, and we went for a nice drive as well.

The thing is a beast; be sure to never put your self between the wheel head and splash pan while the wheel is moving, nor if your foot is over the pedal (unless you are sitting down and fully cognizant). I tweaked the controller settings a bit, to my taste. Shout if you can't find the controller board manual...

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Thank you for your reply Hulk! This helps especially in these COVID closure days.

Great, so either with or w/o the extender it'll be good to go on this front. 

Curious why it wouldn't have been your choice if you have time to share and what would have been? 

I'm looking at the Revolution or SH model or a possibly Brent. Really like the larger drip pan/tray and solid legs for high seated or standing throwing/trimming on the Revolution/SH. The controller I don't think will make a difference to me. While I'd love to care about the fine control at slow speeds, it's not a factor in my throwing now. Possibly some day? Who knows. The math says that comes with the legs and extender on the SH which I do need for a permanent drip pan. So choice is permanent or removable...

All good choices from what's been shared with me. I tend to overbuy and know that they are more of a wheel than I need today but... life is good... would love to find a used but they are like gold in that river bed, need to pan in the right place at the right time. These days of COVID have pushed up my buying schedule and so here we are.

Thanks again for your help, I'm so glad to have found the forum and Network. Such a wonderful resource. Cheers!

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The SH is a lot more $$ - full price new, that is. Some vendors list wheels at a deep discount - may be on account of shortened warrantee? My understanding, from Skutt, is the warrantee countdown begins when the wheel is shipped, if so, clock's ticking on showroom/stock units. Skutt support is wonderful (my experience), call them if any questions come up. If you can get a serial number, they can tell you any warrantee details, etc.

Other considerations:

  The SH model is fitted with 1/2 hp motor; my guess is the 1/3 hp is more than enough. Horsepower ratings aren't standard, btw.

  SH includes controller upgrade; I haven't driven the standard, however, the somewhat antique Brent wheels at the local JC are sensitive and responsive enough. My SH can go ridiculously slow - where it starts to make sound, takes about a minute to do one rev!

  The shaft extender seems like a good idea, however, I forgot about it for a year or so, just fitted one of my 3/4" bats and stuck another bat on top (clay pad) when I needed clearance.

  Leg extenders - might use them some day, however, I like to sit low, knees higher than hips.

That's all "then" - now, I would consider it! The larger motor may last longer... If I were shopping today, would take a long look at Skutt Classic, Brent B, Brent C, and the Bailey offerings.

I really like the solid pan as well, although it's not for everyone.

It's a great wheel, a Caddy, for sure. I still feel lucky - deep discount on a used model, over three years remaining (at the time) on warrantee, nice drive to a place we'd never been as well.

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I've got 11 TS/Skutt wheels in my studio. 10 are 1/3hp, 1 is 1/2hp. I've never made anything that required the 1/2hp instead of the 1/3hp. None of my wheels have the controller upgrade, and I've never felt like I needed it. I also prefer the built in solid pan, as it's heavier and more stable if you lean on it.

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